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A dedication ceremony at the world's tallest skyscraper turns into a high-rise catastrophe when a defective wire in its systems-control panel causes an electrical flare-up

Within minutes the gala event turns into a hellish inferno, as a raging fire traps society's most prominent citizens on the top floor

Winner of three academy awards, this spectacular suspense thriller features dazzling special effects and a star studded cast including paul newman, steve mcqueen, william holden and faye dunaway

Features: audio commentary by film historian f.x

Feeney; scene-specific commentary by mike vézina, special effects director on x-men: the last stand, and branko racki, stunt coordinator: montreal on the day after tomorrow; over 30 extended/deleted scenes; inside the tower: we remember/innovating tower: the spx of an inferno; the art of towering; irwin allen: the great producer; directing the inferno; putting out fire; running on fire; still the world's tallest building; the writer: stirling silliphant; amc backstory: the towering inferno; storyboard-to-film comparisons; nato presentation reel; original "making-of" featurettes; 1977 irwin allen interview; original teaser, trailer and the poseidon adventure trailer; 3 interactive articles from american cinematographer; still galleries (shot compositions, publicity, behind-the-scenes, conceptual sketches, costumes).requer blu-ray player compatível?trim

Blu-ray The Towering Inferno
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Blu-ray The Towering Inferno

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Blu-ray The Towering Inferno na loja Americanas

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Blu-ray The Towering Inferno

A dedication ceremony at the world's tallest skyscraper turns into a high-rise catastrophe when a defective wire in its systems-control panel causes an electrical flare-up

Within minutes the gala event turns into a hellish inferno, as a raging fire traps society's most prominent citizens on the top floor

Winner of three academy awards, this spectacular suspense thriller features dazzling special effects and a star studded cast including paul newman, steve mcqueen, william holden and faye dunaway

Features: audio commentary by film historian f.x

Feeney; scene-specific commentary by mike vézina, special effects director on x-men: the last stand, and branko racki, stunt coordinator: montreal on the day after tomorrow; over 30 extended/deleted scenes; inside the tower: we remember/innovating tower: the spx of an inferno; the art of towering; irwin allen: the great producer; directing the inferno; putting out fire; running on fire; still the world's tallest building; the writer: stirling silliphant; amc backstory: the towering inferno; storyboard-to-film comparisons; nato presentation reel; original "making-of" featurettes; 1977 irwin allen interview; original teaser, trailer and the poseidon adventure trailer; 3 interactive articles from american cinematographer; still galleries (shot compositions, publicity, behind-the-scenes, conceptual sketches, costumes).requer blu-ray player compatível?trim

Blu-ray The Towering Inferno na loja Shoptime

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Blu-ray The Towering Inferno

A dedication ceremony at the world's tallest skyscraper turns into a high-rise catastrophe when a defective wire in its systems-control panel causes an electrical flare-up

Within minutes the gala event turns into a hellish inferno, as a raging fire traps society's most prominent citizens on the top floor

Winner of three academy awards, this spectacular suspense thriller features dazzling special effects and a star studded cast including paul newman, steve mcqueen, william holden and faye dunaway

Features: audio commentary by film historian f.x

Feeney; scene-specific commentary by mike vézina, special effects director on x-men: the last stand, and branko racki, stunt coordinator: montreal on the day after tomorrow; over 30 extended/deleted scenes; inside the tower: we remember/innovating tower: the spx of an inferno; the art of towering; irwin allen: the great producer; directing the inferno; putting out fire; running on fire; still the world's tallest building; the writer: stirling silliphant; amc backstory: the towering inferno; storyboard-to-film comparisons; nato presentation reel; original "making-of" featurettes; 1977 irwin allen interview; original teaser, trailer and the poseidon adventure trailer; 3 interactive articles from american cinematographer; still galleries (shot compositions, publicity, behind-the-scenes, conceptual sketches, costumes).requer blu-ray player compatível?trim

Blu-ray The Towering Inferno na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Blu-ray The Towering Inferno

A dedication ceremony at the world's tallest skyscraper turns into a high-rise catastrophe when a defective wire in its systems-control panel causes an electrical flare-up

Within minutes the gala event turns into a hellish inferno, as a raging fire traps society's most prominent citizens on the top floor

Winner of three academy awards, this spectacular suspense thriller features dazzling special effects and a star studded cast including paul newman, steve mcqueen, william holden and faye dunaway

Features: audio commentary by film historian f.x

Feeney; scene-specific commentary by mike vézina, special effects director on x-men: the last stand, and branko racki, stunt coordinator: montreal on the day after tomorrow; over 30 extended/deleted scenes; inside the tower: we remember/innovating tower: the spx of an inferno; the art of towering; irwin allen: the great producer; directing the inferno; putting out fire; running on fire; still the world's tallest building; the writer: stirling silliphant; amc backstory: the towering inferno; storyboard-to-film comparisons; nato presentation reel; original "making-of" featurettes; 1977 irwin allen interview; original teaser, trailer and the poseidon adventure trailer; 3 interactive articles from american cinematographer; still galleries (shot compositions, publicity, behind-the-scenes, conceptual sketches, costumes).requer blu-ray player compatível

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Ficha Técnica

Ficha Técnica e Características do produto "Blu-ray The Towering Inferno"

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Blu-ray The Towering Inferno Blu-ray The Towering Inferno

A dedication ceremony at the world's tallest skyscraper turns into a high-rise catastrophe when a defective wire in its systems-control panel causes an electrical flare-up

Within minutes the gala event turns into a hellish inferno, as a raging fire traps society's most prominent citizens on the top floor

Winner of three academy awards, this spectacular suspense thriller features dazzling special effects and a star studded cast including paul newman, steve mcqueen, william holden and faye dunaway

Features: audio commentary by film historian f.x

Feeney; scene-specific commentary by mike vézi


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Código de Barras

Código de Barras (EAN, GTIN, ISBN, ASIN, SKU) 'Blu-ray The Towering Inferno'

Blu-ray The Towering Inferno
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '1069008600414'


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