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Discover the truth of norta's bloody past in these two revealing prequels to #1 new york times bestseller red queen.also includes an exclusive excerpt of the hotly anticipated second book in the red queen series! glass sword transports readers to the world of silver tyranny, a red dawn rising, and one girl's resolve to break down the system that will hold her back no longer.queen songqueen coriane, first wife of king tiberias, keeps a secret diary?how else can she ensure that no one at the palace will use her thoughts against her? coriane recounts her heady courtship with the crown prince, the birth of a new prince, cal, and the potentially deadly challenges that lay ahead for her in royal life.steel scarscaptain farley exchanges coded transmissions with the resistance as she travels the land recruiting black market traders, smugglers, and extremists for her first attempt at an attack on the capital

She was raised to be strong, but planting the seeds of rebellion in norta is a tougher job than expected?until she stumbles upon a connection that may prove to be the key to the entire operation: mare barrow.discover the truth of norta's bloody past in these two revealing prequels to #1 new york times bestseller red queen.also includes an exclusive excerpt of the hotly anticipated second book in the red queen series! glass sword transports readers to the world of silver tyranny, a red dawn rising, and one girl's resolve to break down the system that will hold her back no longer.queen songqueen coriane, first wife of king tiberias, keeps a secret diary?how else can she ensure that no one at the palace will use her thoughts against her? coriane recounts her heady courtship with the crown prince, the birth of a new prince, cal, and the potentially deadly challenges that lay ahead for her in royal life.steel scarscaptain farley exchanges coded transmissions with the resistance as she travels the land recruiting black market traders, smugglers, and extremists for her first attempt at an attack on the capital

She was raised to be strong, but planting the seeds of rebellion in norta is a tougher job than expected?until she stumbles upon a connection that may prove to be the key to the entire operation: mare barrow.

Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella
Loja Preço Comprar
AmericanasR$ 31,90
SubmarinoR$ 31,90
Magazine Luiza-
Mercado Livre-

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Papel de qualidade muito inferior

"Material de péssimo acabamento e papel de qualidade muito inferior"

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"Material de péssimo acabamento e papel de qualidade muito inferior"

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Qual o Preço?

Quanto custa? Qual o valor? Veja os preços do produto "Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella"

Loja Preço Comprar
AmericanasR$ 31,90
SubmarinoR$ 31,90
Magazine Luiza-
Mercado Livre-

O preço médio do produto é R$ 65,90

Podendo variar de R$ 31,90 até R$ 99,90, a depender da loja:

  • na loja Americanas você encontra a partir de R$ 31,90 (podendo chegar a R$ 99,90)
  • na loja Submarino você encontra por R$ 31,90
  • Consulte o preço na loja Magazine Luiza
  • Consulte o preço na loja Shoptime
  • Consulte o preço na loja Mercado Livre
  • Consulte o preço na loja OLX

Confira abaixo um comparativo de preços por loja 👇

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Produto e Loja Submarino Americanas Magazine Luiza Shoptime
Cruel Crown - A Red Queen Novella R$ 31,90R$ 99,90
Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins
Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins - 952774

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Achou caro? Deixa que a gente te avisa quando o preço baixar!

Onde Comprar?

Onde Comprar o produto "Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella"?

Veja onde comprar os modelos abaixo! 👇

Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 31,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella
Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 31,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella
Cruel Crown - A Red Queen Novella na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 99,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Cruel Crown - A Red Queen Novella

Cruel crown - a red queen novella

Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins
Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins na loja Shoptime

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins
Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins
Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins - 952774 na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins - 952774

Discover the truth of norta's bloody past in these two revealing prequels to #1 new york times bestseller red queen.also includes an exclusive excerpt of the hotly anticipated second book in the red queen series! glass sword transports readers to the world of silver tyranny, a red dawn rising, and one girl's resolve to break down the system that will hold her back no longer.queen songqueen coriane, first wife of king tiberias, keeps a secret diary?how else can she ensure that no one at the palace will use her thoughts against her? coriane recounts her heady courtship with the crown prince, the birth of a new prince, cal, and the potentially deadly challenges that lay ahead for her in royal life.steel scarscaptain farley exchanges coded transmissions with the resistance as she travels the land recruiting black market traders, smugglers, and extremists for her first attempt at an attack on the capital

She was raised to be strong, but planting the seeds of rebellion in norta is a tougher job than expected?until she stumbles upon a connection that may prove to be the key to the entire operation: mare barrow.discover the truth of norta's bloody past in these two revealing prequels to #1 new york times bestseller red queen.also includes an exclusive excerpt of the hotly anticipated second book in the red queen series! glass sword transports readers to the world of silver tyranny, a red dawn rising, and one girl's resolve to break down the system that will hold her back no longer.queen songqueen coriane, first wife of king tiberias, keeps a secret diary?how else can she ensure that no one at the palace will use her thoughts against her? coriane recounts her heady courtship with the crown prince, the birth of a new prince, cal, and the potentially deadly challenges that lay ahead for her in royal life.steel scarscaptain farley exchanges coded transmissions with the resistance as she travels the land recruiting black market traders, smugglers, and extremists for her first attempt at an attack on the capital

She was raised to be strong, but planting the seeds of rebellion in norta is a tougher job than expected?until she stumbles upon a connection that may prove to be the key to the entire operation: mare barrow.

Achou caro? Deixa que a gente te avisa quando o preço baixar!

Análise de Preços

Monitoramos o preço dele nos últimos 32 meses. Veja o que descobrimos!

A análise foi realizada em 4 lojas: Americanas, Submarino, Magazine Luiza e Shoptime

Histórico de preços por data, com base em nosso monitoramento diário 👇

Arraste a tabela < - >

Data Submarino Americanas Magazine Luiza Shoptime
Hoje R$ 31,90R$ 31,90
15/10/2021 R$ 31,90R$ 31,90
14/10/2021 R$ 31,90R$ 31,90
03/03/2019 R$ 31,90R$ 31,90

Arraste a tabela < - >

Análise detalhada!

Qual o menor preço que o produto já alcançou?

Dos 32 meses em que o produto foi monitorado, apresentou o menor valor na loja Submarino

O valor foi de R$ 31,90 em 15/10/2021

E o maior valor?

E um bom momento para comprá-lo?

Sim, pois o estoque poderá se esgotar

Em qual loja costuma ficar mais barato?

Na loja Submarino

Qual o melhor site para comprar, com melhor custo-benefício?

Na loja Americanas por R$ 31,90

Qual a Loja mais barata hoje?

Americanas, valor de R$ 31,90

Conclusão 👇

Compre na loja Americanas por R$ 31,90

... atualmente é o melhor preço, e você fará a melhor compra!


como 2ª opção, compre na loja Submarino por R$ 31,90

Ficha Técnica

Ficha Técnica e Características do produto "Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella"

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella
AutorAveyard ,Victoria
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Cruel Crown - A Red Queen Novella Cruel Crown - A Red Queen Novella

Cruel crown - a red queen novella

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella
Código de Barras9780062435347
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins
Código de Barras9780062435347
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins - 952774 Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins - 952774

Discover the truth of norta's bloody past in these two revealing prequels to #1 new york times bestseller red queen.also includes an exclusive excerpt of the hotly anticipated second book in the red queen series! glass sword transports readers to the world of silver tyranny, a red dawn rising, and one girl's resolve to break down the system that will hold her back no longer.queen songqueen coriane, first wife of king tiberias, keeps a secret diary?how else can she ensure that no one at the palace will use her thoughts against her? coriane recounts her heady courtship with the crown prince, the

Perguntas Frequentes (FAQ)

Dúvidas sobre "Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella"?

Veja as perguntas frequentes abaixo: 👇

Quem são os Autores?

  • Resposta: Aveyard ,Victoria

Quantas Páginas tem?

  • Resposta: 224

Quais outros Nomes do produto?

  • Resposta: Cruel Crown - A Red Queen Novella
  • Resposta: Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins
  • Resposta: Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins - 952774

Onde Comprar?

  • Resposta: Loja Americanas
  • Resposta: Loja Submarino
  • Resposta: Loja Magazine Luiza
  • Resposta: Loja Shoptime
  • Resposta: Loja Mercado Livre
  • Resposta: Loja OLX

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Cupom de Desconto "Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella" na loja Magazine Luiza


Cupom de Desconto "Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella" na loja Shoptime


Cupom de Desconto "Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella" na loja Mercado Livre


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Código de Barras

Código de Barras (EAN, GTIN, ISBN, ASIN, SKU) 'Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella'

Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780062435347'
Código de Barras






Cruel Crown - Pb - Harper Collins
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780062435347'
Código de Barras




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  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Brasília
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Campo Grande
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Cuiabá
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Curitiba
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Florianópolis
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Fortaleza
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Goiânia
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em João Pessoa
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Macapá
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Maceió
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Manaus
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Natal
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Palmas
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Porto Alegre
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Porto Velho
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Recife
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Rio Branco
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Rio de Janeiro
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Salvador
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em São Luís
  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em São Paulo
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  • Cruel Crown - a Red Queen Novella em Vitória

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