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Sobre o Produto

Este kit imperdível traz: - livro - harry potter and the sorcerer's stone - livro - harry potter and the chamber of secrets - livro - harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban - livro - harry potter and the goblet of fire - livro - harry potter and the order of the phoenix - livro - harry potter and the half-blood prince - livro - harry potter and the deathly hallows harry potter é uma série de aventuras fantásticas escrita pela britânica j



É constituída por sete livros e, desde o lançamento do primeiro volume, harry potter e a pedra filosofal, em 1997, ganhou grande popularidade e sucesso comercial no mundo todo e deu origem a filmes, video, jogos, entre outros itens

Mundialmente, a série harry potter vendeu cerca de um bilhao de exemplares, até dezembro de 2011, em mais de 67 idiomas

O livro da série que mais vendeu foi harry potter e a pedra filosofal com cerca de 120 milhoes de cópias comercializadas

Grande parte da narrativa se passa na escola de magia e bruxaria de hogwarts, e foca os conflitos entre harry potter e o bruxo das trevas lord voldemort

Ao mesmo tempo, os livros exploram temas como amizade, ambiçao, escolha, preconceito, coragem, crescimento, responsabilidade moral e as complexidades da vida e da morte, e acontecem num mundo mágico com suas próprias histórias, habitantes, cultura e sociedades

Os sete livros deram origem a oito filmes, com o ultimo, harry potter e as relíquias da morte, sendo dividido em duas partes: uma lançada em novembro de 2010, e a outra julho de 2011

Livro - harry potter and the sorcerer's stone this special edition of harry potter and the sorcerer's stone has a gorgeous new cover illustration by kazu kibuishi

Inside is the full text of the original novel, with decorations by mary grandpré

Harry potter has never been the star of a quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground

He knows no spells, has never helped to hatch a dragon, and has never worn a cloak of invisibility

All he knows is a miserable life with the dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, dudley - a great big swollen spoiled bully

Harry's room is a tiny closet at the foot of the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in eleven years

But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to an incredible place that harry - and anyone who reads about him - will find unforgettable

For it's there that he finds not only friends, aerial sports, and magic in everything from classes to meals, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him - if harry can survive the encounter

Livro - harry potter and the chamber of secrets this special edition of harry potter and the chamber of secrets has a gorgeous new cover illustration by kazu kibuishi

Inside is the full text of the original novel, with decorations by mary grandpré

The dursleys were so mean and hideous that summer that all harry potter wanted was to get back to the hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry

But just as he's packing his bags, harry receives a warning from a strange, impish creature named dobby who says that if harry potter returns to hogwarts, disaster will strike

And strike it does

For in harry's second year at hogwarts, fresh torments and horrors arise, including an outrageously stuck-up new professor, gilderoy lockhart, a spirit named moaning myrtle who haunts the girls - bathroom, and the unwanted attentions of ron weasley's younger sister, ginny

But each of these seem minor annoyances when the real trouble begins, and someone - or something - starts turning hogwarts students to stone

Could it be draco malfoy, a more poisonous rival than ever? could it possibly be hagrid, whose mysterious past is finally told? or could it be the one everyone at hogwarts most suspects - harry potter himself! livro - harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban this special edition of harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban has a gorg

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
Loja Preço Comprar
SubmarinoR$ 23,13
AmericanasR$ 23,13
CarrefourR$ 26,81
ShoptimeR$ 34,99
Magazine Luiza-
Mercado Livre-

Prós e contras do produto "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows"

Opinião de quem comprou

O produto "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows" é bom? Vale a pena?

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Veja as Vantagens e Desvantagens (Recomendo ou Não recomendo?)

Recomendo a todos

"Otima ediçao de Harry Potter, é em hardcover, pra quem nao sabe, é um livro capa dura, e com uma capa que vem por cima dela, é perfeita, recomendo à todos."

Vale a pena comprar

"É um hardcover lindo, com um detalhe em tecido, jacket bem feita, folhas amarelas, detalhes em todas as páginas, desenhos em todo comeco de capítulo e etc. Esta muito abaixo do valor, vale a pena comprar."

Pelo preço

"O livro é a versao econômica, nao possui orelhas e tanto a capa quanto as páginas sao de um material mais fino, o que nao atrapalha de forma alguma a leitura. O início de todos os capítulos possuem as ilustraçoes e as páginas têm as estrelinhas. Pelo preço, já imaginava que seria esta versao e estou satisfeita, nao deixa nada a desejar."

Em ótimo estado

"O livro é lindo, exatamente como eu esperava. Chegou 6 dias antes do prazo, em ótimo estado. Simplesmente amei!"

Veja opiniões e depoimentos de quem comprou!

Recomendo esse produto
"O livro é hardcover!!!! Cara dura, lindíssimo! Comprei em uma promoçao e pensei que fosse de má qualidade, mas é perfeito. Vem com uma jacket e a capa dura por baixo é verde com a lateral amarela, onde se encontram o nome do livro e o nome da autora em uma espécie de pintura vermelha e laminada. A contra-capa e a folha de rosto sao vermelhas e de um material mais grosso que as folhas do livro, que também sao de excelente qualidade. Acima do título de cada capítulo tem ilustraçoes. E tem estrelinhas no canto de todas as páginas. Por esse preço, é recomendadíssimo."
Recomendo esse produto
"Me surpreendi com o produto, comprei em uma ótima promoçao aqui no site, e pelo preço baixo esperava um livro em paperback (brochura), como é especificado aqui nas características do produto, mas para minha surpresa o livro é em hardcover (capa dura) e com uma jacket (capa removível) de excelente qualidade. Pra quem sabe inglês vale muito a pena comprar esse livro, muito melhor que a ediçao brasileira, e mais barato que o livro em português."
Recomendo esse produto
"Bom como já diz o título o livro é Hardcover, e é lindo, vale muito a pena o preço está ótimo (comprei em promoçao), o livro chegou bem antes do prazo e em ótimo estado. O que falar de Harry Potter, simplesmente é a melhor saga já escrita na história! Quem nunca leu, recomendo, depois que vc terminar o livro 1 nao vai parar até chegar ao final da saga! Quem já leu recomendo ler denovo =D"
Recomendo esse produto
"O livro é a versao econômica, nao possui orelhas e tanto a capa quanto as páginas sao de um material mais fino, o que nao atrapalha de forma alguma a leitura. O início de todos os capítulos possuem as ilustraçoes e as páginas têm as estrelinhas. Pelo preço, já imaginava que seria esta versao e estou satisfeita, nao deixa nada a desejar."
"Os livros chegaram pra mim hoje (28/04) e a previsao era pra chegar apenas dia 02/05. As capas sao lindas e o único problema foi que o site nao falava que a ediçao nao tinha orelha, por mais que tenha as informaçoes do autor na ultima pagina. Foi meu unico problema, o resto foi perfeito."
Recomendo esse produto
"O livro chegou em 3 dias em excelente estado. É hardcover (capa dura) e vem com uma jacket com a ilustraçao original americana. Páginas amareladas e com uma imagem no início de cada capítulo, realmente um livro muito bem feito em com um preço maravilhoso!! Vale MUITO a pena comprar..."
"O conteúdo do livro é bom, como qualquer outro livro de Harry Potter, mas a qualidade do material achei bem ruim, pois a capa nao tem orelhas e é de um material fino, entao amassa facilmente. Além disso, a qualidade do material das páginas nao é muito boa."
Recomendo esse produto
"O livro é lindo! *.* Capa dura, jacket (capa protetora e removível) e chegou BEEEEEM antes do prazo. O preço está ótimo e vale cada centavo. a loja está de parabéns, como sempre. Vale muito a pena, recomendo a todos."
Recomendo esse produto
"É um hardcover lindo, com um detalhe em tecido, jacket bem feita, folhas amarelas, detalhes em todas as páginas, desenhos em todo comeco de capítulo e etc. Esta muito abaixo do valor, vale a pena comprar."
Recomendo esse produto
"Comprei Achando que fosse Brochura, pelo preço mas quando chegou Era HARDCOVER ... muito boa a qualidade, chegou bem antes do esperado, Vale a pena Comprar ^^"
Recomendo esse produto
"O Livro é perfeito!! Podem comprar sem medo, é simplesmente demais!! a Entrega foi muito rápida, comprei na sexta e na segunda de manha já chegou. parabéns!!"
Recomendo esse produto
"Otima ediçao de Harry Potter, é em hardcover, pra quem nao sabe, é um livro capa dura, e com uma capa que vem por cima dela, é perfeita, recomendo à todos."
Recomendo esse produto
"Adorei o livro, pena que veio com um amassadinho na Capa. Livro me Capa Dura, muito bem feito, fonte e folhas perfeitas! Rocco Aprenda!"
Recomendo esse produto
"O livro é lindo, exatamente como eu esperava. Chegou 6 dias antes do prazo, em ótimo estado. Simplesmente amei!"
Recomendo esse produto
"Diferente de uns que comprei há um tempo, nao veio com as páginas zoadas. Muito bom."
Recomendo esse produto
"Finalmente consegui completar minha coleçao, sao todos lindos, adorei!"
Recomendo esse produto
"O livro nao é Brochura , é CAPA DURA ! MUITO LINDO, amei amei."
Recomendo esse produto
"O livro é simplesmente a coisa mais linda do mundo, sem mais!"
Recomendo esse produto
"Livro bem bonito e Dennis qualidade. Vale o custo beneficio."

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Conte-nos a sua opinião sobre o produto, e ajude também outras pessoas!

Qual o Preço?

Quanto custa? Qual o valor? Veja os preços do produto "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows"

Loja Preço Comprar
SubmarinoR$ 23,13
AmericanasR$ 23,13
CarrefourR$ 26,81
ShoptimeR$ 34,99
Magazine Luiza-
Mercado Livre-

O preço médio do produto é R$ 47,93

Podendo variar de R$ 23,13 até R$ 129,90, a depender da loja:

  • na loja Submarino você encontra a partir de R$ 23,13 (podendo chegar a R$ 174,50)
  • na loja Americanas também, você encontra a partir de R$ 23,13 (podendo chegar a R$ 174,50)
  • na loja Carrefour você encontra a partir de R$ 26,81 (podendo chegar a R$ 63,40)
  • na loja Shoptime você encontra a partir de R$ 34,99 (podendo chegar a R$ 129,90)
  • Consulte o preço na loja Magazine Luiza
  • Consulte o preço na loja Mercado Livre
  • Consulte o preço na loja OLX

Confira abaixo um comparativo de preços por loja 👇

Arraste a tabela < - >

Produto e Loja Americanas Submarino Carrefour Shoptime Magazine Luiza
Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: The Breathtaking Series Finale R$ 23,13R$ 23,13 R$ 34,99
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows R$ 39,90R$ 129,90R$ 26,81R$ 39,90
Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows R$ 28,73R$ 28,73 R$ 41,90
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury R$ 43,09R$ 43,09 R$ 99,00
Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Ruled Journal R$ 68,70
Kit Livros - Complete Harry Potter Collection (Special Editions)
Kit Livros - Harry Potter Collection New Covers - Paperback
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury Uk
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Book 7 - Scholastic

Arraste a tabela < - >

Achou caro? Deixa que a gente te avisa quando o preço baixar!

Onde Comprar?

Onde Comprar o produto "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows"?

Veja onde comprar os modelos abaixo! 👇

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: The Breathtaking Series Finale na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 23,13

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: The Breathtaking Series Finale

It all comes down to this - a final faceoff between good and evil

You plan to pull out all the stops, but every time you solve one mystery, three more evolve

-do you stay the course you started, despite your lack of progress? -do you detour and follow a new lead that may not help? -do you listen to your instincts, or your friends? lord voldemort is preparing for battle and so must harry

With ron and hermione at his side, he's trying to hunt down voldemort's horcruxes, escape danger at every turn, and find a way to defeat evil once and for all

-how does it all end? find out in harry potter and the deathly hallows

Reviews: "throughout, rowling returns to and embellishes the hallmark themes of the series: the importance of parental influences, the redemptive power of sacrifice, and the strength found in love

These truths are the underpinnings of a finale that is worthy of fans' hopes and expectations." booklist, starred review "

There¿s no one like rowling

Who else has sustained such an intricate, endlessly inventive plot over seven thick volumes and so constantly surprised her readers with twists, well-laid traps and purloined letter¿style tricks? hallows continues the tradition, both with sly feats of legerdemain and with several altogether new, unexpected elements." publishers weekly, starred review "

The final battle with voldemort, involving a full range of friends and foes, is rowling at her finest

Fans of the series will devour this lengthy tome and will be left hoping for more tales from this fully-fleshed fantastic world." school library journal "rowling fulfills the promise of earlier volumes, tying up loose threads, deepening character complexities to match harry's evolving recognition of life's shades of gray, pulling out every emotional stop, and leading her hero into adulthood while still producing the most focused plot line and layered, heart-in-throat climax of the series." horn book "to create such an extraordinary world, fill it with complicated characters and convergent back stories is beyond the reach of most writers

To sustain that world and grow those characters over seven books filled with plot twists, folklore and even a magical curriculum and then bring it all to an articulate, emotionally wrenching conclusion - that is a truly epic quest." the l.a

Times awards: -new york times 100 notable books of 2007 -a new york times notable children's book of 2007 -a publishers weekly best book of 2007 -the kansas city star, top 100 books of 2007 -the columbus dispatch, a best book of 2007 -booklist editors' choice 2007 -a los angeles times favorite children's book of 2007 -a washington post best book for young people for 2007 -ala notable children's book, 2008 -ala best book for young adults, 2008 -2008 colorado blue spruce book award -ccbc choices 2008

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: The Breathtaking Series Finale na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 23,13

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: The Breathtaking Series Finale

It all comes down to this - a final faceoff between good and evil

You plan to pull out all the stops, but every time you solve one mystery, three more evolve

-do you stay the course you started, despite your lack of progress? -do you detour and follow a new lead that may not help? -do you listen to your instincts, or your friends? lord voldemort is preparing for battle and so must harry

With ron and hermione at his side, he's trying to hunt down voldemort's horcruxes, escape danger at every t

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Carrefour

Preço: R$ 26,81

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

As he climbs into the sidecar of hagrids motorbike and takes to the skies, leaving privet drive for the last time, harry potter knows that lord voldemort and the death eaters are not far behind

The protective charm that has kept harry safe until now is broken, but he cannot keep hiding

The dark lord is breathing fear into everything harry loves, and to stop him harry will have to find and destroy the remaining horcruxes

The final battle must begin - harry must stand and face his enemy.

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 28,73

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

This special edition of harry potter and the deathly hallows has a gorgeous new cover illustration by kazu kibuishi

Inside is the full text of the original novel, with decorations by mary grandpré

We now present the seventh and final installment in the epic tale of harry potter

Harry potter is preparing to leave the dursleys and privet drive for the last time

But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and harry has already lost so much.

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 28,73

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

This special edition of harry potter and the deathly hallows has a gorgeous new cover illustration by kazu kibuishi

Inside is the full text of the original novel, with decorations by mary grandpré

We now present the seventh and final installment in the epic tale of harry potter

Harry potter is preparing to leave the dursleys and privet drive for the last time

But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and harry has already lost so much.

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 29,38

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 29,39

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Carrefour

Preço: R$ 29,52

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Lord voldemort is preparing for battle and so must harry

With ron and hermione at his side, harry's trying to hunt down voldemort's horcruxes, escape danger at every turn, and find a way to defeat evil once and for all.

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: The Breathtaking Series Finale na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 34,99

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: The Breathtaking Series Finale

Livro - harry potter and the deathly hallows: the breathtaking series finale it all comes down to this - a final faceoff between good and evil

You plan to pull out all the stops, but every time you solve one mystery, three more evolve

-do you stay the course you started, despite your lack of progress? -do you detour and follow a new lead that may not help? -do you listen to your instincts, or your friends? lord voldemort is preparing for battle and so must harry

With ron and hermione at his side, he's trying to hunt down voldemort's horcruxes, escape danger at every turn, and find a way to defeat evil once and for all

-how does it all end? find out in harry potter and the deathly hallows

Reviews: "throughout, rowling returns to and embellishes the hallmark themes of the series: the importance of parental influences, the redemptive power of sacrifice, and the strength found in love

These truths are the underpinnings of a finale that is worthy of fans' hopes and expectations." booklist, starred review "

There¿s no one like rowling

Who else has sustained such an intricate, endlessly inventive plot over seven thick volumes and so constantly surprised her readers with twists, well-laid traps and purloined letter¿style tricks? hallows continues the tradition, both with sly feats of legerdemain and with several altogether new, unexpected elements." publishers weekly, starred review "

The final battle with voldemort, involving a full range of friends and foes, is rowling at her finest

Fans of the series will devour this lengthy tome and will be left hoping for more tales from this fully-fleshed fantastic world." school library journal "rowling fulfills the promise of earlier volumes, tying up loose threads, deepening character complexities to match harry's evolving recognition of life's shades of gray, pulling out every emotional stop, and leading her hero into adulthood while still producing the most focused plot line and layered, heart-in-throat climax of the series." horn book "to create such an extraordinary world, fill it with complicated characters and convergent back stories is beyond the reach of most writers

To sustain that world and grow those characters over seven books filled with plot twists, folklore and even a magical curriculum and then bring it all to an articulate, emotionally wrenching conclusion - that is a truly epic quest." the l.a

Times awards: -new york times 100 notable books of 2007 -a new york times notable children's book of 2007 -a publishers weekly best book of 2007 -the kansas city star, top 100 books of 2007 -the columbus dispatch, a best book of 2007 -booklist editors' choice 2007 -a los angeles times favorite children's book of 2007 -a washington post best book for young people for 2007 -ala notable children's book, 2008 -ala best book for young adults, 2008 -2008 colorado blue spruce book award -ccbc choices 2008

10º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 38,50

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
11º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 38,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
12º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 38,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
13º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 39,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
14º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 39,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Harry potter and the deathly hallows

15º Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 41,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

This special edition of harry potter and the deathly hallows has a gorgeous new cover illustration by kazu kibuishi

Inside is the full text of the original novel, with decorations by mary grandpré

We now present the seventh and final installment in the epic tale of harry potter

Harry potter is preparing to leave the dursleys and privet drive for the last time

But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and harry has already lost so much

Only by destroying voldemort's remaining horcruxes can harry free himself and overcome the dark lord's forces of evil

In this dramatic conclusion to the "harry potter series", harry must leave his most loyal friends behind, and in a final perilous journey find the strength and the will to face his terrifying destiny: a deadly confrontation that is his alone to fight

In this thrilling climax to the phenomenally bestselling series, j.k

Rowling reveals all to her eagerly waiting readers.

16º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 43,09

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Harry potter and the deathly hallows

17º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 43,09

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury
18º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 43,09

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury
19º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 44,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
20º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 44,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
21º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 54,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
22º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Carrefour

Preço: R$ 63,40

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Produto novo e físico we now present the seventh and final installment in the epic tale of harry potter

This gorgeous new edition in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the publication of harry potter and the sorcerer's stone features a newly designed cover illustrated by caldecott medalist brian selznick, as well as the beloved original interior decorations by mary grandpré.

23º Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Ruled Journal na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 68,70

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Ruled Journal
24º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 82,83

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
25º Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 84,99

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Harry potter is preparing to leave the dursleys and privet drive for the last time

But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and harry has already lost so much

Only by destroying voldemort's remaining horcruxes can harry free himself and overcome the dark lord's forces of evil

In this dramatic conclusion to the harry potter series, harry must leave his most loyal friends behind, and in a final perilous journey find the strength and the w

26º Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 84,99

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Harry potter is preparing to leave the dursleys and privet drive for the last time

But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and harry has already lost so much

Only by destroying voldemort's remaining horcruxes can harry free himself and overcome the dark lord's forces of evil

In this dramatic conclusion to the harry potter series, harry must leave his most loyal friends behind, and in a final perilous journey find the strength and the will to face his terrifying destiny: a deadly confrontation that is his alone to fight

These new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by jonny duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring harry potter to the next generation of readers

It's time to pass the magic on


Imagens meramente ilustrativas

27º Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 84,99

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Harry potter is preparing to leave the dursleys and privet drive for the last time

But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and harry has already lost so much

Only by destroying voldemort's remaining horcruxes can harry free himself and overcome the dark lord's forces of evil

In this dramatic conclusion to the harry potter series, harry must leave his most loyal friends behind, and in a final perilous journey find the strength and the w

28º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 99,00

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury
29º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 99,00

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury
30º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 99,00

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury
31º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 129,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Harry potter and the deathly hallows

32º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 129,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Harry potter and the deathly hallows

33º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 129,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Harry potter and the deathly hallows

34º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 139,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Harry potter and the deathly hallows

35º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 139,90

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Harry potter and the deathly hallows

36º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
37º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
38º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
39º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
40º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury

As he climbs into the sidecar of hagrid's motorbike and takes to the skies, leaving privet drive for the last time, harry potter knows that lord voldemort and the death eaters are not far behind

The protective charm that has kept harry safe until now is now broken, but he cannot keep hiding

The dark lord is breathing fear into everything harry loves, and to stop him harry will have to find and destroy the remaining horcruxes

The final battle must begin - harry must stand and face his enemy

These new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by jonny duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring harry potter to the next generation of readers

It's time to pass the magic on

41º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury

Livro novo, capa dura, sobre capa, idioma inglês his hand closed automatically around the fake horcrux, but in spite of everything, in spite of the dark and twisting path he saw stretching ahead for himself, in spite of the final meeting with voldemort he knew must come, whether in a month, in a year, or in ten, he felt his heart lift at the thought that there was still one last golden day of peace left to enjoy with ron and hermione'''' with these words "harry potter and the half-blood prince" draws to a close and here, in this seventh and final book, harry discovers what fate truly has in store for him as he inexorably makes his way to that final meeting with voldemort in this thrilling climax to the phenomenally bestselling series, jk loc terreo e 1o andar assunto literatura estrangeira código do item 22795859 código de barras 9780747591061

42º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury

Livro novo, capa dura, sobre capa, idioma inglês his hand closed automatically around the fake horcrux, but in spite of everything, in spite of the dark and twisting path he saw stretching ahead for himself, in spite of the final meeting with voldemort he knew must come, whether in a month, in a year, or in ten, he felt his heart lift at the thought that there was still one last golden day of peace left to enjoy with ron and hermione'''' with these words "harry potter and the half-blood prince" draws to a close and here, in this seventh and final book, harry discovers what fate truly has in store for him as he inexorably makes his way to that final meeting with voldemort in this thrilling climax to the phenomenally bestselling series, jk loc terreo e 1º andar assunto literatura estrangeira código do item 22795859 código de barras 9780747591061

43º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury Uk na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury Uk

As he climbs into the sidecar of hagrid's motorbike and takes to the skies, leaving privet drive for the last time, harry potter knows that lord voldemort and the death eaters are not far behind

The protective charm that has kept harry safe until now is now broken, but he cannot keep hiding

The dark lord is breathing fear into everything harry loves, and to stop him harry will have to find and destroy the remaining horcruxes

The final battle must begin - harry must stand and face his enemy.

44º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury Uk na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury Uk

Produto novo e físico as he climbs into the sidecar of hagrid's motorbike and takes to the skies, leaving privet drive for the last time, harry potter knows that lord voldemort and the death eaters are not far behind

The protective charm that has kept harry safe until now is broken, but he cannot keep hiding

The dark lord is breathing fear into everything harry loves, and to stop him harry will have to find and destroy the remaining horcruxes

The final battle must begin - harry must stand and face his enemy.

45º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury Uk na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury Uk

As he climbs into the sidecar of hagrid's motorbike and takes to the skies, leaving privet drive for the last time, harry potter knows that lord voldemort and the death eaters are not far behind

The protective charm that has kept harry safe until now is broken, but he cannot keep hiding

The dark lord is breathing fear into everything harry loves, and to stop him harry will have to find and destroy the remaining horcruxes

The final battle must begin - harry must stand and face his enemy.

46º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Book 7 - Scholastic na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Book 7 - Scholastic
47º Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Book 7 - Scholastic na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Book 7 - Scholastic
48º Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Ruled Journal na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Ruled Journal
49º Kit Livros - Complete Harry Potter Collection (Special Editions) na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Kit Livros - Complete Harry Potter Collection (Special Editions)

Este kit imperdível traz: - livro - harry potter and the sorcerer's stone - livro - harry potter and the chamber of secrets - livro - harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban - livro - harry potter and the goblet of fire - livro - harry potter and the order of the phoenix - livro - harry potter and the half-blood prince - livro - harry potter and the deathly hallows harry potter é uma série de aventuras fantásticas escrita pela britânica j



É constituída por sete livros e, desde o lançamento do primeiro volume, harry potter e a pedra filosofal, em 1997, ganhou grande popularidade e sucesso comercial no mundo todo e deu origem a filmes, video, jogos, entre outros itens

Mundialmente, a série harry potter vendeu cerca de um bilhao de exemplares, até dezembro de 2011, em mais de 67 idiomas

O livro da série que mais vendeu foi harry potter e a pedra filosofal com cerca de 120 milhoes de cópias comercializadas

Grande parte da narrativa se passa na escola de magia e bruxaria de hogwarts, e foca os conflitos entre harry potter e o bruxo das trevas lord voldemort

Ao mesmo tempo, os livros exploram temas como amizade, ambiçao, escolha, preconceito, coragem, crescimento, responsabilidade moral e as complexidades da vida e da morte, e acontecem num mundo mágico com suas próprias histórias, habitantes, cultura e sociedades

Os sete livros deram origem a oito filmes, com o ultimo, harry potter e as relíquias da morte, sendo dividido em duas partes: uma lançada em novembro de 2010, e a outra julho de 2011

Livro - harry potter and the sorcerer's stone this special edition of harry potter and the sorcerer's stone has a gorgeous new cover illustration by kazu kibuishi

Inside is the full text of the original novel, with decorations by mary grandpré

Harry potter has never been the star of a quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground

He knows no spells, has never helped to hatch a dragon, and has never worn a cloak of invisibility

All he knows is a miserable life with the dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, dudley - a great big swollen spoiled bully

Harry's room is a tiny closet at the foot of the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in eleven years

But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to an incredible place that harry - and anyone who reads about him - will find unforgettable

For it's there that he finds not only friends, aerial sports, and magic in everything from classes to meals, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him - if harry can survive the encounter

Livro - harry potter and the chamber of secrets this special edition of harry potter and the chamber of secrets has a gorgeous new cover illustration by kazu kibuishi

Inside is the full text of the original novel, with decorations by mary grandpré

The dursleys were so mean and hideous that summer that all harry potter wanted was to get back to the hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry

But just as he's packing his bags, harry receives a warning from a strange, impish creature named dobby who says that if harry potter returns to hogwarts, disaster will strike

And strike it does

For in harry's second year at hogwarts, fresh torments and horrors arise, including an outrageously stuck-up new professor, gilderoy lockhart, a spirit named moaning myrtle who haunts the girls - bathroom, and the unwanted attentions of ron weasley's younger sister, ginny

But each of these seem minor annoyances when the real trouble begins, and someone - or something - starts turning hogwarts students to stone

Could it be draco malfoy, a more poisonous rival than ever? could it possibly be hagrid, whose mysterious past is finally told? or could it be the one everyone at hogwarts most suspects - harry potter himself! livro - harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban this special edition of harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban has a gorg

50º Kit Livros - Harry Potter Collection New Covers - Paperback na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Kit Livros - Harry Potter Collection New Covers - Paperback


Rowling é famosíssima escritora britânica aclamada mundialmente, autora da lendária série harry potter

Seus livros já atingiram a estrondosa marca de 500 milhoes de cópias vendidas mundo afora e entrou para a lista dos livros mais vendidos de todos os tempos

Além disso, a série harry potter também foi para a tela dos cinemas e se tornou grande sucesso de bilheteria

Esta promoçao imperdível traz 7 clássicos desta grande autora (em inglês)

Sao eles: -harry potter and the philosopher's stone -harry potter and the chamber of secrets -harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban -harry potter and the goblet of fire -harry potter and the order of the phoenix -harry potter and the half-blood prince -harry potter and the deathly hallows -harry potter and the philosopher's stone when a letter arrives for unhappy but ordinary harry potter, a decade-old secret is revealed to him that apparently he's the last to know

His parents were wizards, killed by a dark lord's curse when harry was just a baby, and which he somehow survived

Leaving his unsympathetic aunt and uncle for hogwarts, a wizarding school brimming with ghosts and enchantments, harry stumbles upon a sinister mystery when he finds a three-headed dog guarding a room on the third floor

Then he hears of a missing stone with astonishing powers which could be valuable, dangerous - or both

An incredible adventure is about to begin! these new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by jonny duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring harry potter to the next generation of readers

It's time to pass the magic on..

-harry potter and the chamber of secrets harry potter can't wait for his holidays with the dire dursleys to end

But a small, self-punishing house-elf warns harry of mortal danger awaiting him at hogwarts

Returning to the castle nevertheless, harry hears a rumour about a chamber of secrets, holding unknown horrors for wizards of muggle parentage

Now someone is casting spells that turn people to stone, and a terrible warning is found painted on the wall

The chief suspect - always in the wrong place - is harry

But something much more terrifying has yet to be unleashed

These new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by jonny duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring harry potter to the next generation of readers

It's time to pass the magic on


-harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban harry potter is lucky to reach the age of thirteen, since he has survived the murderous attacks of the feared dark lord on more than one occasion

His hopes for a quiet school term concentrating on quidditch are dashed, though, when a maniacal mass-murderer escapes from azkaban, pursued by the soul-sucking dementors who guard the prison

It's assumed that hogwarts is the safest place for harry to be

But is it his imagination that is making him feel eyes watching him in the dark, and should he be taking professor trelawney's ghoulish predictions seriously? these new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by jonny duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring harry potter to the next generation of readers

It's time to pass the magic on


-harry potter and the goblet of fire when the quidditch world cup is disrupted by voldemort's rampaging supporters and the terrifying dark mark appears against the night sky, it is obvious to harry potter that, far from weakening, voldemort is getting stronger

Back at hogwarts for the fourth year harry is astonished to be chosen to represent the school in the triwizard tournament

The competition is dangerous, the tasks terrifying, and true courage is no guarantee of survival - especially with the dark lord's forces on the rise


These new editions of the classic and internationally

51º Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Harry potter is preparing to leave the dursleys and privet drive for the last time

But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and harry has already lost so much

Only by destroying voldemort's remaining horcruxes can harry free himself and overcome the dark lord's forces of evil

In this dramatic conclusion to the harry potter series, harry must leave his most loyal friends behind, and in a final perilous journey find the strength and the w

52º Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

It all comes down to this - a final faceoff between good and evil

You plan to pull out all the stops, but every time you solve one mystery, three more evolve

- do you stay the course you started, despite your lack of progress? - do you detour and follow a new lead that may not help? - do you listen to your instincts, or your friends? lord voldemort is preparing for battle and so must harry

With ron and hermione at his side, he's trying to hunt down voldemort's horcruxes, escape danger at ever

53º Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Shoptime

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Harry potter is preparing to leave the dursleys and privet drive for the last time

But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and harry has already lost so much

Only by destroying voldemort's remaining horcruxes can harry free himself and overcome the dark lord's forces of evil

In this dramatic conclusion to the harry potter series, harry must leave his most loyal friends behind, and in a final perilous journey find the strength and the will to face his terrifying destiny: a deadly confrontation that is his alone to fight

These new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by jonny duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring harry potter to the next generation of readers

It's time to pass the magic on


Imagens meramente ilustrativas

54º Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Harry potter is preparing to leave the dursleys and privet drive for the last time

But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and harry has already lost so much

Only by destroying voldemort's remaining horcruxes can harry free himself and overcome the dark lord's forces of evil

In this dramatic conclusion to the harry potter series, harry must leave his most loyal friends behind, and in a final perilous journey find the strength and the w

55º Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

It all comes down to this - a final faceoff between good and evil

You plan to pull out all the stops, but every time you solve one mystery, three more evolve

- do you stay the course you started, despite your lack of progress? - do you detour and follow a new lead that may not help? - do you listen to your instincts, or your friends? lord voldemort is preparing for battle and so must harry

With ron and hermione at his side, he's trying to hunt down voldemort's horcruxes, escape danger at ever

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A análise foi realizada em 5 lojas: Submarino, Americanas, Carrefour, Shoptime e Magazine Luiza

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Data Americanas Submarino Carrefour Shoptime Magazine Luiza
Hoje R$ 23,13R$ 23,13R$ 26,81R$ 34,99
16/10/2021 R$ 23,13R$ 23,13R$ 26,81R$ 34,99
15/10/2021 R$ 23,13R$ 23,13R$ 26,81R$ 34,99
18/06/2020 R$ 23,13R$ 23,13R$ 26,81R$ 34,99
02/01/2020 R$ 28,74R$ 23,13R$ 26,81R$ 34,99
03/12/2019 R$ 28,74R$ 23,13R$ 26,81R$ 34,99
28/11/2019 R$ 29,39R$ 23,13R$ 26,81R$ 34,99
27/02/2019 R$ 28,74R$ 23,13R$ 26,81R$ 34,99

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Análise detalhada!

Qual o menor preço que o produto já alcançou?

Dos 32 meses em que o produto foi monitorado, apresentou o menor valor na loja Americanas

O valor foi de R$ 23,13 em 16/10/2021

E o maior valor?

Foi R$ 34,99, na loja Shoptime, em 16/10/2021

E um bom momento para comprá-lo?

Sim, pois o estoque poderá se esgotar

Em qual loja costuma ficar mais barato?

Na loja Carrefour

Qual o melhor site para comprar, com melhor custo-benefício?

Na loja Submarino por R$ 23,13

Qual a Loja mais barata hoje?

Submarino, valor de R$ 23,13

Conclusão 👇

Compre na loja Submarino por R$ 23,13

... atualmente é o melhor preço, e você fará a melhor compra!


como 2ª opção, compre na loja Americanas por R$ 23,13

como 3ª opção, compre na loja Carrefour por R$ 26,81

Diferenças e Comparativo

Qual melhor "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows"?

Veja as diferenças e benefícios do produto "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows" 👇

Arraste a tabela < - >

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly HallowsLivro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: The Breathtaking Series FinaleHarry Potter And The Deathly HallowsHarry Potter Deathly Hallows Ruled JournalHarry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury
Código de Barras97805450102219780545139700978054513970097816088756349780747591054
Edição111ª Ed.
EditoraBloomsburry PublisingArthur A. Levine BooksScholastic Books
Autor(a)J. K. RowlingJ. K. Rowling
Tipo de CapaBrochuraBrochura
TítuloHarry Potter And The Deathly HallowsHarry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
Mais InformaçõesBook 7Book 7
SubtítuloThe Breathtaking Series Finale
Autor/ArtistaJ. K. RowlingWarner Bros.
Ano de Lançamento2009
MarcaBloomsbury Publishing

Arraste a tabela < - >

Ficha Técnica

Ficha Técnica e Características do produto "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows"

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
Ano de Lançamento2009
Autor/ArtistaJ. K. Rowling

Harry potter and the deathly hallows, produto novo e físico we now present the seventh and final installment in the epic tale of harry potter

This gorgeous new edition in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the publication of harry potter and the sorcerer's stone features a newly designed cover illustrated by caldecott medalist brian selznick, as well as the beloved original interior decorations by mary grandpré.

Edição1ª Ed.
EditoraScholastic Books
MarcaBloomsbury Publishing
Código de Barras9780545139700, 9780545583008, 9781338299205
Código21954655, 28363889, 29734796, 38132068, 44937419
Isbn0545139708, 9780545583008, 9781338299205, 9781408835029
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury

Livro novo, capa dura, sobre capa, idioma inglês his hand closed automatically around the fake horcrux, but in spite of everything, in spite of the dark and twisting path he saw stretching ahead for himself, in spite of the final meeting with voldemort he knew must come, whether in a month, in a year, or in ten, he felt his heart lift at the thought that there was still one last golden day of peace left to enjoy with ron and hermione'''' with these words "harry potter and the half-blood prince" draws to a close and here, in this seventh and final book, harry discovers what fate truly has in st

Código de Barras9780747591054, 9780747591061, 9781408855713
Código24510871, 25240285, 50733724
Isbn9780747591061, 9781408855713
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury Uk Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury Uk

Produto novo e físico as he climbs into the sidecar of hagrid's motorbike and takes to the skies, leaving privet drive for the last time, harry potter knows that lord voldemort and the death eaters are not far behind

The protective charm that has kept harry safe until now is broken, but he cannot keep hiding

The dark lord is breathing fear into everything harry loves, and to stop him harry will have to find and destroy the remaining horcruxes

The final battle must begin - harry must stand and face his enemy.

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Book 7 - Scholastic Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Book 7 - Scholastic
Código de Barras9780545583008
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Ruled Journal Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Ruled Journal
Autor/ArtistaWarner Bros.
Código de Barras9781608875634
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Kit Livros - Complete Harry Potter Collection (Special Editions) Kit Livros - Complete Harry Potter Collection (Special Editions)

Este kit imperdível traz: - livro - harry potter and the sorcerer's stone - livro - harry potter and the chamber of secrets - livro - harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban - livro - harry potter and the goblet of fire - livro - harry potter and the order of the phoenix - livro - harry potter and the half-blood prince - livro - harry potter and the deathly hallows harry potter é uma série de aventuras fantásticas escrita pela britânica j



É constituída por sete livros e, desde o lançamento do primeiro volume, harry potter e a pedra filosofal, em 1997, ganhou grande popularidade e

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Kit Livros - Harry Potter Collection New Covers - Paperback Kit Livros - Harry Potter Collection New Covers - Paperback


Rowling é famosíssima escritora britânica aclamada mundialmente, autora da lendária série harry potter

Seus livros já atingiram a estrondosa marca de 500 milhoes de cópias vendidas mundo afora e entrou para a lista dos livros mais vendidos de todos os tempos

Além disso, a série harry potter também foi para a tela dos cinemas e se tornou grande sucesso de bilheteria

Esta promoçao imperdível traz 7 clássicos desta grande autora (em inglês)

Sao eles: -harry potter and the philosopher's stone -harry potter and the chamber of secrets -harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban -harry potte

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
Ano2007, 2013, 2014
AssuntoInfanto-Juvenil, Literatura Juvenil
Autor(a)J. K. Rowling

This special edition of harry potter and the deathly hallows has a gorgeous new cover illustration by kazu kibuishi

Inside is the full text of the original novel, with decorations by mary grandpré

We now present the seventh and final installment in the epic tale of harry potter

Harry potter is preparing to leave the dursleys and privet drive for the last time

But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and harry has already lost so much

Only by destroying voldemort's remaining horcruxes can harry free himself and overcome the dark lord, this special edition of harry potter and the deathly hallows has a gorgeous new cover illustration by kazu kibuishi

Inside is the full text of the original novel, with decorations by mary grandpré

We now present the seventh and final installment in the epic tale of harry potter

Harry potter is preparing to leave the dursleys and privet drive for the last time

But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and harry has already lost so much.

Edição1, 1ª
EditoraBloomsburry Publising, Scholastic Books, Scholastic Publishing
Mais InformaçõesBook 7, Livro Importado
Páginas640, 784, 800
Tipo de CapaBrochura, Capa Dura
TítuloHarry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
Código de Barras9780545010221, 9780545583008, 9781408855713, 9781408855959
Código115528673, 120327391, 120327411, 7268919, 9781408855713, 9781408855959
Código115528673, 120327391, 120327411, 7268919, 9781408855713, 9781408855959
Isbn9780545010221, 9780545583008, 9781408855713, 9781408855959
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: The Breathtaking Series Finale Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: The Breathtaking Series Finale
Autor(a)J. K. Rowling

It all comes down to this - a final faceoff between good and evil

You plan to pull out all the stops, but every time you solve one mystery, three more evolve

-do you stay the course you started, despite your lack of progress? -do you detour and follow a new lead that may not help? -do you listen to your instincts, or your friends? lord voldemort is preparing for battle and so must harry

With ron and hermione at his side, he's trying to hunt down voldemort's horcruxes, escape danger at every t, it all comes down to this - a final faceoff between good and evil

You plan to pull out all the stops, but every time you solve one mystery, three more evolve

-do you stay the course you started, despite your lack of progress? -do you detour and follow a new lead that may not help? -do you listen to your instincts, or your friends? lord voldemort is preparing for battle and so must harry

With ron and hermione at his side, he's trying to hunt down voldemort's horcruxes, escape danger at every turn, and find a way to defeat evil once and for all

-how does it all end? find out in harry potter , livro - harry potter and the deathly hallows: the breathtaking series finale it all comes down to this - a final faceoff between good and evil

You plan to pull out all the stops, but every time you solve one mystery, three more evolve

-do you stay the course you started, despite your lack of progress? -do you detour and follow a new lead that may not help? -do you listen to your instincts, or your friends? lord voldemort is preparing for battle and so must harry

With ron and hermione at his side, he's trying to hunt down voldemort's horcruxes, escape danger at every turn, and find a way to

EditoraArthur A. Levine Books
Mais InformaçõesBook 7
SubtítuloThe Breathtaking Series Finale
Tipo de CapaBrochura
TítuloHarry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
Código de Barras9780545139700

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  • Resposta: 2009

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  • Resposta: Infanto-Juvenil
  • Resposta: Literatura Juvenil

Quem são os autores?

  • Resposta: J. K. Rowling

Qual Autor/Artista?

  • Resposta: J. K. Rowling
  • Resposta: Warner Bros.

Qual a Edição?

  • Resposta: 1
  • Resposta: 1ª Ed.
  • Resposta: 1ª

Qual a Editora?

  • Resposta: Arthur A. Levine Books
  • Resposta: Bloomsburry Publising
  • Resposta: Scholastic Books
  • Resposta: Scholastic Publishing

Qual o Formato?

  • Resposta: Livro

Qual o Idioma?

  • Resposta: Inglês

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  • Resposta: Book 7
  • Resposta: Livro Importado

Qual a Marca do produto?

  • Resposta: Bloomsbury Publishing

Quantas Páginas tem?

  • Resposta: 192
  • Resposta: 640
  • Resposta: 784
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Qual o Subtítulo?

  • Resposta: The Breathtaking Series Finale

Qual o Tipo de Capa?

  • Resposta: Brochura
  • Resposta: Capa Dura

Qual o Título?

  • Resposta: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Quais outros Nomes do produto?

  • Resposta: Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: The Breathtaking Series Finale
  • Resposta: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
  • Resposta: Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
  • Resposta: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury
  • Resposta: Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Ruled Journal
  • Resposta: Kit Livros - Complete Harry Potter Collection (Special Editions)
  • Resposta: Kit Livros - Harry Potter Collection New Covers - Paperback
  • Resposta: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury Uk
  • Resposta: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Book 7 - Scholastic

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Código de Barras (EAN, GTIN, ISBN, ASIN, SKU) 'Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows'

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780545139700'Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780545583008'Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9781338299205'
Código de Barras

9780545139700, 9780545583008, 9781338299205


21954655, 28363889, 29734796, 38132068, 44937419


0545139708, 9780545583008, 9781338299205, 9781408835029

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Bloomsbury
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780747591054'Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780747591061'Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9781408855713'
Código de Barras

9780747591054, 9780747591061, 9781408855713


24510871, 25240285, 50733724


9780747591061, 9781408855713

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Book 7 - Scholastic
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780545583008'
Código de Barras




Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Ruled Journal
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9781608875634'
Código de Barras






Kit Livros - Complete Harry Potter Collection (Special Editions)
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780545583008'


Kit Livros - Harry Potter Collection New Covers - Paperback
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9781408855713'


Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780545010221'Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780545583008'Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9781408855713'Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9781408855959'
Código de Barras

9780545010221, 9780545583008, 9781408855713, 9781408855959


115528673, 120327391, 120327411, 7268919, 9781408855713, 9781408855959


115528673, 120327391, 120327411, 7268919, 9781408855713, 9781408855959


9780545010221, 9780545583008, 9781408855713, 9781408855959

Livro - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: The Breathtaking Series Finale
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780545139700'
Código de Barras






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