O produto Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed é bom?

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Sobre o Produto

Openmind é uma série baseada na ideia de que, para os alunos terem sucesso em um mundo dinâmico e globalizado, precisam se tornar competentes nao apenas no inglês, mas também em habilidades essenciais para a vida acadêmica, social e profissional

O curso oferece uma combinaçao flexível de materiais para garantir que o aprendizado: textos de leitura com conteúdo rico, workshops de conversaçao e escrita, vídeos de alta qualidade, workbooks online que estimulam a autonomia do aluno para estudar em casa, e student's book projetáveis

Material online flexível e integrado à nova plataforma big tree, que permite ao usuário acessar tudo o que precisa em um unico lugar

Acessível de qualquer dispositivo com acesso à internet, incluindo tablets e smartphones

O workbook online proporciona feedback instantâneo aos alunos, e disponibiliza informaçoes sobre seu progresso e desempenho aos professores

O teacher's book premium pack contém o presentation kit, uma versao digital do student's book compatível com interactive whiteboards ou projetores o teacher's resource centre traz recursos para auxiliar os professores na elaboraçao de provas, em pdf ou word customizável, sejam elas de unidade, meio de curso, final de curso ou testes de classificaçao.

Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed
Loja Preço Comprar
ShoptimeR$ 27,50
SubmarinoR$ 27,50
AmericanasR$ 27,50
CarrefourR$ 121,77
Magazine Luiza-
Mercado Livre-

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"Bom material, porém o site não disponibiliza os arquivos diretamente, sendo necessário baixar os arquivos zipados."

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Qual o Preço?

Quanto custa? Qual o valor? Veja os preços do produto "Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed"

Loja Preço Comprar
ShoptimeR$ 27,50
SubmarinoR$ 27,50
AmericanasR$ 27,50
CarrefourR$ 121,77
Magazine Luiza-
Mercado Livre-

O preço médio do produto é R$ 129,58

Podendo variar de R$ 27,50 até R$ 314,73, a depender da loja:

  • na loja Shoptime você encontra a partir de R$ 27,50 (podendo chegar a R$ 192,58)
  • na loja Submarino você encontra a partir de R$ 27,50 (podendo chegar a R$ 294,14)
  • na loja Americanas você encontra a partir de R$ 27,50 (podendo chegar a R$ 314,73)
  • na loja Carrefour você encontra a partir de R$ 121,77 (podendo chegar a R$ 169,20)
  • Consulte o preço na loja Magazine Luiza
  • Consulte o preço na loja Mercado Livre
  • Consulte o preço na loja OLX

Confira abaixo um comparativo de preços por loja 👇

Arraste a tabela < - >

Produto e Loja Americanas Shoptime Submarino Carrefour Magazine Luiza
Open Doors: 1: Student''s Book R$ 27,50R$ 27,50R$ 27,50
Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D02 R$ 121,77R$ 121,77R$ 121,77R$ 127,40
Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D01 R$ 121,77R$ 121,77R$ 121,77
Open Mind 2A Sb With Webcode & Dvd - 2Nd Ed R$ 121,77
Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D03 R$ 124,50R$ 124,50R$ 124,50R$ 127,40
Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed R$ 130,29R$ 130,29R$ 130,29
Open Mind 1a Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed R$ 130,29R$ 130,29R$ 130,29
Open Mind 1b - Student'S Book R$ 135,30R$ 135,30R$ 135,30
Open Mind 1a - Student'S Book R$ 135,30R$ 135,30R$ 135,30
Eyes Open 4 - Student's Book R$ 159,80
Eyes Open 2 - Student's Book R$ 169,20
Open Mind 2a Sb With Wb Pack - 2nd Ed R$ 192,58
Openmind 1a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt R$ 135,30R$ 123,10R$ 135,30
Openmind 1 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt R$ 314,73 R$ 240,75
Open Doors 2 - Students Book R$ 37,30
Open Doors 1 Student'S Book
Openmind 1B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Openmind 1B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Openmind 2 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Openmind 2A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Openmind 2a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Openmind 2B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Openmind 2B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Openmind 3 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Openmind 3A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Openmind 3B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Openmind 3B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Openmind 1 - Student's Book Whit Webcode & DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Openmind 1A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Arraste a tabela < - >

Achou caro? Deixa que a gente te avisa quando o preço baixar!

Onde Comprar?

Onde Comprar o produto "Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed"?

Veja onde comprar os modelos abaixo! 👇

Open Doors: 1: Student''s Book na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 27,50

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Doors: 1: Student''s Book

Open doors: 1: student''s book

Open Doors: 1: Student''s Book na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 27,50

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Doors: 1: Student''s Book

Open doors: 1: student''s book

Open Doors: 1: Student''s Book na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 27,50

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Doors: 1: Student''s Book

Open doors: 1: student''s book

Open doors 2 - students book na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 37,30

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open doors 2 - students book

Open doors 2 - students book

Open Mind 2A Sb With Webcode & Dvd - 2Nd Ed na loja Carrefour

Preço: R$ 121,77

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2A Sb With Webcode & Dvd - 2Nd Ed

The mind series 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.

Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D01 na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 121,77

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D01
Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D01 na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 121,77

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D01
Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D01 na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 121,77

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D01
Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D02 na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 121,77

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D02
10º Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D02 na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 121,77

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D02
11º Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D02 na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 121,77

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D02
12º Openmind 1a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 123,10

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 1a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
13º Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D03 na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 124,50

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D03
14º Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D03 na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 124,50

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D03

Open mind 2nd edit.students book with webcode d03

15º Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D03 na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 124,50

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D03
16º Open Mind 2Nd Edit.Students Book With Webcode D02 na loja Carrefour

Preço: R$ 127,40

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2Nd Edit.Students Book With Webcode D02

Open mind 2nd edit.students book with webcode d02

17º Open Mind 2Nd Edit.Students Book With Webcode D03 na loja Carrefour

Preço: R$ 127,40

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2Nd Edit.Students Book With Webcode D03

Open mind 2nd edit.students book with webcode d03

18º Open Mind 1a Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 130,29

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 1a Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed
19º Open Mind 1a Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 130,29

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 1a Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed
20º Open Mind 1a Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 130,29

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 1a Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed
21º Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 130,29

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed
22º Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 130,29

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed
23º Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 130,29

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed
24º Open Mind 1a - Student'S Book na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 135,30

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 1a - Student'S Book
25º Open Mind 1a - Student'S Book na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 135,30

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 1a - Student'S Book
26º Open Mind 1a - Student'S Book na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 135,30

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 1a - Student'S Book
27º Open Mind 1b - Student'S Book na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 135,30

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 1b - Student'S Book
28º Open Mind 1b - Student'S Book na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 135,30

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 1b - Student'S Book
29º Open Mind 1b - Student'S Book na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 135,30

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 1b - Student'S Book
30º Openmind 1a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 135,30

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 1a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
31º Openmind 1a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 135,30

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 1a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
32º Eyes Open 4 - Student's Book na loja Carrefour

Preço: R$ 159,80

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Eyes Open 4 - Student's Book

Eyes open 4 - student's book

33º Eyes Open 2 - Student's Book na loja Carrefour

Preço: R$ 169,20

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Eyes Open 2 - Student's Book

Captivating discovery education(tm) video and stimulating global topics spark curiosity and engage teenage learners

Developed in partnership with discovery education(tm), eyes open features captivating discovery education(tm) video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity

Four videos in every unit make learning relevant and create opportunities for deeper understanding

Guided, step-by-step activities and personalised learning tasks lead to greater speaking

34º Open Mind 2a Sb With Wb Pack - 2nd Ed na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 192,58

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Mind 2a Sb With Wb Pack - 2nd Ed
35º Openmind 1 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 240,75

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 1 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
36º Openmind 1 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 314,73

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 1 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
37º Open Doors 1 Student'S Book na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Doors 1 Student'S Book
38º Open Doors 1 Student'S Book na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Doors 1 Student'S Book
39º Open Doors 2 - Students Book na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Doors 2 - Students Book
40º Open Doors 2 - Students Book na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Open Doors 2 - Students Book
41º Openmind 1 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 1 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learning from a variety of sources: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study online workbooks, and projectable student's books.

42º Openmind 1 - Student's Book Whit Webcode & DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 1 - Student's Book Whit Webcode & DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind is a ground-breaking adult course that provides learners with the professional, academic and personal skills they need

Not only are language skills developed in the course, but also the important 21st-century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.

43º Openmind 1A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 1A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learning from a variety of sources: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study online workbooks, and projectable student's books.

44º Openmind 1A - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 1A - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Open mind is a ground-breaking adult course that provides learners with the professional, academic and personal skills they need

Not only are language skills developed in the course, but also the important 21st-century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.

45º Openmind 1B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 1B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learning from a variety of sources: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study online workbooks, and projectable student's books.

46º Openmind 1B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 1B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Mind series 2nd edition allows you to enjoy the best combination of digital and print material and free up your class time to focus more on your students' communicative needs through providing the best balance between preparation, teaching and marking

The series contains a robust inductive grammar methodology and focus on sub-skills development to help ensure learning is meaningful as well as enjoyable

Available across 6 levels at cefr a1 c1, the mind series provides students and teachers + a huge range of digital and print components, and its communicative inductive approach gives students the language and life skills they need to succeed in the real world.

47º Openmind 2 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 2 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learning from a variety of sources: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study online workbooks, and projectable student's books.

48º Openmind 2A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 2A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learning from a variety of sources: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study online workbooks, and projectable student's books.

49º Openmind 2a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 2a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
50º Openmind 2A - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 2A - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Open mind is a ground-breaking adult course that provides learners with the professional, academic and personal skills they need

Not only are language skills developed in the course, but also the important 21st-century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.

51º Openmind 2a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 2a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
52º Openmind 2B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 2B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learning from a variety of sources: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study online workbooks, and projectable student's books.

53º Openmind 2B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 2B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
54º Openmind 2B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 2B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Open mind is a ground-breaking adult course that provides learners with the professional, academic and personal skills they need

Not only are language skills developed in the course, but also the important 21st-century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.

55º Openmind 2B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 2B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
56º Openmind 3 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 3 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
57º Openmind 3 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 3 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learning from a variety of sources: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study online workbooks, and projectable student's books.

58º Openmind 3 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 3 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
59º Openmind 3A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 3A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learning from a variety of sources: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study online workbooks, and projectable student's books.

60º Openmind 3B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 3B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learning from a variety of sources: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study online workbooks, and projectable student's books.

61º Openmind 3B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt na loja Magazine Luiza

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Openmind 3B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind é uma série baseada na ideia de que, para os alunos terem sucesso em um mundo dinâmico e globalizado, precisam se tornar competentes nao apenas no inglês, mas também em habilidades essenciais para a vida acadêmica, social e profissional

O curso oferece uma combinaçao flexível de materiais para garantir que o aprendizado: textos de leitura com conteúdo rico, workshops de conversaçao e escrita, vídeos de alta qualidade, workbooks online que estimulam a autonomia do aluno para estudar em casa, e student's book projetáveis

Material online flexível e integrado à nova plataforma big tree, que permite ao usuário acessar tudo o que precisa em um unico lugar

Acessível de qualquer dispositivo com acesso à internet, incluindo tablets e smartphones

O workbook online proporciona feedback instantâneo aos alunos, e disponibiliza informaçoes sobre seu progresso e desempenho aos professores

O teacher's book premium pack contém o presentation kit, uma versao digital do student's book compatível com interactive whiteboards ou projetores o teacher's resource centre traz recursos para auxiliar os professores na elaboraçao de provas, em pdf ou word customizável, sejam elas de unidade, meio de curso, final de curso ou testes de classificaçao.

Achou caro? Deixa que a gente te avisa quando o preço baixar!

Análise de Preços

Monitoramos o preço dele nos últimos 32 meses. Veja o que descobrimos!

A análise foi realizada em 5 lojas: Shoptime, Submarino, Americanas, Carrefour e Magazine Luiza

Histórico de preços por data, com base em nosso monitoramento diário 👇

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Data Americanas Shoptime Submarino Carrefour Magazine Luiza
Hoje R$ 27,50R$ 27,50R$ 27,50R$ 121,77
16/10/2021 R$ 27,50R$ 27,50R$ 27,50R$ 121,77
15/10/2021 R$ 27,50R$ 27,50R$ 27,50R$ 121,77
03/03/2019 R$ 27,50R$ 27,50R$ 27,50R$ 121,77

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Dos 32 meses em que o produto foi monitorado, apresentou o menor valor na loja Americanas

O valor foi de R$ 27,50 em 16/10/2021

E o maior valor?

Foi R$ 121,77, na loja Carrefour, em 16/10/2021

E um bom momento para comprá-lo?

Sim, pois o estoque poderá se esgotar

Em qual loja costuma ficar mais barato?

Na loja Shoptime

Qual o melhor site para comprar, com melhor custo-benefício?

Na loja Shoptime por R$ 27,50

Qual a Loja mais barata hoje?

Shoptime, valor de R$ 27,50

Conclusão 👇

Compre na loja Shoptime por R$ 27,50

... atualmente é o melhor preço, e você fará a melhor compra!


como 2ª opção, compre na loja Submarino por R$ 27,50

como 3ª opção, compre na loja Americanas por R$ 27,50

Diferenças e Comparativo

Qual melhor "Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed"?

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Open Mind 1a - Student'S BookOpen Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D02
Código de Barras97802304590909780230459656
Mais InformaçõesAssunto: Inglês, Origem: Nacional, Código de Barras: 9780230459090, Assunto: Inglês, Origem: Nacional, Código de Barras: 9780230459090
Tipo de CapaBrochura
Edição2ª Ed.
EditoraMacmillan do Brasil
Ano de Lançamento2014
AutorMickey Rogers

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Ficha Técnica

Ficha Técnica e Características do produto "Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed"

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Eyes Open 2 - Student's Book Eyes Open 2 - Student's Book

Captivating discovery education(tm) video and stimulating global topics spark curiosity and engage teenage learners

Developed in partnership with discovery education(tm), eyes open features captivating discovery education(tm) video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity

Four videos in every unit make learning relevant and create opportunities for deeper understanding

Guided, step-by-step activities and personalised learning tasks lead to greater speaking

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Eyes Open 4 - Student's Book Eyes Open 4 - Student's Book

Eyes open 4 - student's book

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Open doors 2 - students book Open doors 2 - students book

Open doors 2 - students book

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Open Doors: 1: Student''s Book Open Doors: 1: Student''s Book

Open doors: 1: student''s book

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Open Mind 1a - Student'S Book Open Mind 1a - Student'S Book
Ano de Lançamento2014
AutorMickey Rogers
Edição2ª Ed.
EditoraMacmillan do Brasil
Mais InformaçõesAssunto: Inglês, Origem: Nacional, Código de Barras: 9780230459090, Assunto: Inglês, Origem: Nacional, Código de Barras: 9780230459090
Tipo de CapaBrochura
Código de Barras9780230459090
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Open Mind 1a Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed Open Mind 1a Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed
Código de Barras9780230459090
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Open Mind 2A Sb With Webcode & Dvd - 2Nd Ed Open Mind 2A Sb With Webcode & Dvd - 2Nd Ed

The mind series 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed
Código de Barras9780230459656
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Open Mind 2Nd Edit.Students Book With Webcode D02 Open Mind 2Nd Edit.Students Book With Webcode D02

Open mind 2nd edit.students book with webcode d02

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D02 Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D02
Código de Barras9780230459656
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D03 Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D03

Open mind 2nd edit.students book with webcode d03

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 1 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 1 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learnin

Código de Barras9786685726589
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 1 - Student's Book Whit Webcode & DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 1 - Student's Book Whit Webcode & DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind is a ground-breaking adult course that provides learners with the professional, academic and personal skills they need

Not only are language skills developed in the course, but also the important 21st-century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 1A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 1A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learnin

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 1A - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 1A - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Open mind is a ground-breaking adult course that provides learners with the professional, academic and personal skills they need

Not only are language skills developed in the course, but also the important 21st-century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 1a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 1a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Código de Barras9780230459090
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 1B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 1B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learnin

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 1B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 1B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Mind series 2nd edition allows you to enjoy the best combination of digital and print material and free up your class time to focus more on your students' communicative needs through providing the best balance between preparation, teaching and marking

The series contains a robust inductive grammar methodology and focus on sub-skills development to help ensure learning is meaningful as well as enjoyable

Available across 6 levels at cefr a1 c1, the mind series provides students and teachers + a huge range of digital and print components, and its communicative inductive approach gives students

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 2 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 2 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learnin

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 2A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 2A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learnin

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 2A - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 2A - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Open mind is a ground-breaking adult course that provides learners with the professional, academic and personal skills they need

Not only are language skills developed in the course, but also the important 21st-century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 2B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 2B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learnin

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 2B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 2B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Open mind is a ground-breaking adult course that provides learners with the professional, academic and personal skills they need

Not only are language skills developed in the course, but also the important 21st-century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 3 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 3 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learnin

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 3A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 3A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learnin

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 3B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 3B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind 2nd edition builds on the success of the first edition of this american english young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills

Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career

Part of the mind series, incorporating mastermind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learnin

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Openmind 3B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt Openmind 3B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Openmind é uma série baseada na ideia de que, para os alunos terem sucesso em um mundo dinâmico e globalizado, precisam se tornar competentes nao apenas no inglês, mas também em habilidades essenciais para a vida acadêmica, social e profissional

O curso oferece uma combinaçao flexível de materiais para garantir que o aprendizado: textos de leitura com conteúdo rico, workshops de conversaçao e escrita, vídeos de alta qualidade, workbooks online que estimulam a autonomia do aluno para estudar em casa, e student's book projetáveis

Material online flexível e integrado à nova plataforma big tree,

Perguntas Frequentes (FAQ)

Dúvidas sobre "Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed"?

Veja as perguntas frequentes abaixo: 👇

Qual o Ano de Lançamento?

  • Resposta: 2014

Quem são os Autores?

  • Resposta: Mickey Rogers

Qual a Edição?

  • Resposta: 2ª Ed.

Qual a Editora?

  • Resposta: Macmillan do Brasil

Qual o Formato?

  • Resposta: Livro

Qual o Idioma?

  • Resposta: Inglês

Mais Informações importantes

  • Resposta: Assunto: Inglês, Origem: Nacional, Código de Barras: 9780230459090, Assunto: Inglês, Origem: Nacional, Código de Barras: 9780230459090

Quantas Páginas tem?

  • Resposta: 110

Qual o Tipo de Capa?

  • Resposta: Brochura

Quais outros Nomes do produto?

  • Resposta: Open Doors: 1: Student''s Book
  • Resposta: Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D02
  • Resposta: Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D01
  • Resposta: Open Mind 2A Sb With Webcode & Dvd - 2Nd Ed
  • Resposta: Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D03
  • Resposta: Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed
  • Resposta: Open Mind 1a Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed
  • Resposta: Open Mind 1b - Student'S Book
  • Resposta: Open Mind 1a - Student'S Book
  • Resposta: Eyes Open 4 - Student's Book
  • Resposta: Eyes Open 2 - Student's Book
  • Resposta: Open Mind 2a Sb With Wb Pack - 2nd Ed
  • Resposta: Openmind 1a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Openmind 1 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Open Doors 2 - Students Book
  • Resposta: Open Doors 1 Student'S Book
  • Resposta: Openmind 1B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Openmind 1B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Openmind 2 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Openmind 2A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Openmind 2a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Openmind 2B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Openmind 2B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Openmind 3 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Openmind 3A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Openmind 3B - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Openmind 3B - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Openmind 1 - Student's Book Whit Webcode & DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
  • Resposta: Openmind 1A - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt

Onde Comprar?

  • Resposta: Loja Shoptime
  • Resposta: Loja Submarino
  • Resposta: Loja Americanas
  • Resposta: Loja Carrefour
  • Resposta: Loja Magazine Luiza
  • Resposta: Loja Mercado Livre
  • Resposta: Loja OLX

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Código de Barras

Código de Barras (EAN, GTIN, ISBN, ASIN, SKU) 'Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed'

Open Mind 1a - Student'S Book
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780230459090'
Código de Barras






Open Mind 1a Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780230459090'
Código de Barras




Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780230459656'
Código de Barras




Open Mind 2nd Edit.students Book With Webcode D02
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780230459656'
Código de Barras






Openmind 1 - Student's Book Pack - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9786685726589'
Código de Barras




Openmind 1a - Student's Book With Webcode And DVD - Second Edition - Macmillan - Elt
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780230459090'
Código de Barras




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  • Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed em Brasília
  • Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed em Campo Grande
  • Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed em Cuiabá
  • Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed em Curitiba
  • Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed em Florianópolis
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  • Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed em Manaus
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  • Open Mind 2b Sb With Webcode Dvd - 2nd Ed em Palmas
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