Aqui você poderá encontrar todas as opiniões, elogios, críticas, sugestões, dicas e avaliações sobre ele, sejam elas boas ou ruins.
As avaliações são agrupadas por tópicos, facilitando que você encontre os principais pontos de elogio ou crítica, e possa tomar uma decisão de compra mais segura.
Também monitoramos os preços dele regularmente
Fazemos isso para que seja possível te apresentar um histórico detalhado de preços, bem como a sua evolução diária.
Attitude é uma coleção organizada em seis níveis, começando pelo starter, ou seja, pode ser utilizada por alunos que são verdadeiramente iniciantes no estudo da língua inglesa
Agora oferecemos a opção de split edition para os níveis de 1 a 5
· o student s book apresenta um language resource e uma seção chamada develop your writing study skills, para encorajar a autonomia dos alunos
Para embasar melhor as atividades de reading foram incluídas ainda seções práticas como language notes, warnings glossaries e useful languages
· o workbook é apresentado em dois formatos: impresso ou eletrônico
O o workbook impresso vem com um áudio cd
O o workbook eletrônico é um cd-rom interativo
· para os professores, a coleção dispõe ainda de: o teacher s edition, que contém o student s book acrescido de respostas dos exercícios
O class audio cd, que apresenta todas as atividades de listening e as canções
O test cd, que o professor pode customizar, ou seja, adaptar às suas necessidades, ou simplesmente imprimir tal qual ele se apresenta
O resource book, que inclui atividades fotocopiáveis elaboradas por autores de diferentes partes do mundo, inclusive brasileiros
O dvd, que apresenta video-clips relacionados aos assuntos tratados no student s book, acompanhado de dvd activity book , que proporciona cerca de 50 70 minutos de aula diretamente ligada ao dvd.
O produto "Touchstone 4a Sb 2ed" é bom? Vale a pena?
É confiável?
Veja as Vantagens e Desvantagens (Recomendo ou Não recomendo?)
Super recomendo
"Comprei o livro porque é o mesmo usado na minha escola de inglês. O preço está melhor e é exatamente o mesmo livro. Vale a pena. já estava impresso, então não precisei esperar que imprimissem pra me enviar. Chegou em menos de uma semana. Super recomendo"
Vale a pena
"Comprei o livro porque é o mesmo usado na minha escola de inglês. O preço está melhor e é exatamente o mesmo livro. Vale a pena. já estava impresso, então não precisei esperar que imprimissem pra me enviar. Chegou em menos de uma semana. Super recomendo"
Chegou em menos de uma semana
"Comprei o livro porque é o mesmo usado na minha escola de inglês. O preço está melhor e é exatamente o mesmo livro. Vale a pena. já estava impresso, então não precisei esperar que imprimissem pra me enviar. Chegou em menos de uma semana. Super recomendo"
Comprei o livro
"Comprei o livro porque é o mesmo usado na minha escola de inglês. O preço está melhor e é exatamente o mesmo livro. Vale a pena. já estava impresso, então não precisei esperar que imprimissem pra me enviar. Chegou em menos de uma semana. Super recomendo"
Veja opiniões e depoimentos de quem comprou!
Recomendo esse produto
"Comprei o livro porque é o mesmo usado na minha escola de inglês. O preço está melhor e é exatamente o mesmo livro. Vale a pena. já estava impresso, entao nao precisei esperar que imprimissem pra me enviar. Chegou em menos de uma semana. Super recomendo"
Recomendo esse produto
"Comprei o livro porque é o mesmo usado na minha escola de inglês. O preço está melhor e é exatamente o mesmo livro. Vale a pena. já estava impresso, então não precisei esperar que imprimissem pra me enviar. Chegou em menos de uma semana. Super recomendo"
Recomendo esse produto
"Comprei o livro porque é o mesmo usado na minha escola de inglês. O preço está melhor e é exatamente o mesmo livro. Vale a pena. já estava impresso, então não precisei esperar que imprimissem pra me enviar. Chegou em menos de uma semana. Super recomendo"
Recomendo esse produto
"O livro é ótimo. A entrega foi realizada dentro do prazo."
Qual o Preço?
Quanto custa? Qual o valor? Veja os preços do produto "Touchstone 4a Sb 2ed"
R$ 89,60
R$ 89,60
R$ 92,90
Livrarias Curitiba
R$ 96,56
R$ 100,80
Magazine Luiza
Mercado Livre
O preço médio do produto é R$ 125,59
Podendo variar de R$ 89,60 até R$ 192,00, a depender da loja:
na loja Americanas você encontra a partir de R$ 89,60(podendo chegar a R$ 192,00)
na loja Submarino também, você encontra a partir de R$ 89,60(podendo chegar a R$ 192,00)
na loja Shoptime você encontra a partir de R$ 92,90(podendo chegar a R$ 192,00)
na loja Livrarias Curitiba você encontra a partir de R$ 96,56(podendo chegar a R$ 113,60)
na loja Carrefour você encontra a partir de R$ 100,80(podendo chegar a R$ 183,82)
Consulte o preço na loja Magazine Luiza
Consulte o preço na loja Mercado Livre
Consulte o preço na loja OLX
Confira abaixo um comparativo de preços por loja 👇
Arraste a tabela < - >
Produto e Loja
Livrarias Curitiba
Magazine Luiza
Touchstone 4a - Student's Book - Second Edition - Cambridge University Press - Elt
R$ 89,60
Touchstone 3A - Student's Book - 2nd Ed
R$ 92,90
R$ 92,90
R$ 92,90
Touchstone 2a Sb - 2nd Ed
R$ 106,20
R$ 106,20
R$ 106,20
R$ 100,80
Touchstone 4 Students Book B - 2nd Ed
R$ 101,92
R$ 120,00
R$ 101,92
Attitude 4 Pack (Sb+Wb Cd-Rom)
R$ 102,24
R$ 102,24
R$ 102,24
Attitude Interactive Pack 4 Sbwb Cd-rom
R$ 105,65
R$ 105,65
Touchstone 4a Sb - 2nd Ed
R$ 106,20
R$ 106,20
R$ 106,20
R$ 106,20
Touchstone 3a Sb 2ed
R$ 106,20
R$ 106,20
R$ 106,20
Touchstone 1 Sb a - 2nd Ed
R$ 106,20
R$ 110,40
R$ 106,20
Touchstone 3a Sb - 2nd Ed
R$ 106,20
R$ 106,20
Touchstone 1 Sb B - 2nd Ed
R$ 106,20
Touchstone 1B - Student's Book - 02 Ed
R$ 106,20
Touchstone 4a Sb 2ed
R$ 108,00
R$ 108,00
R$ 108,00
Touchstone 4 Students Book a - 2nd Ed
R$ 109,20
R$ 109,20
Attitude 4 Students Book - Macmillan
R$ 113,60
American Tiger Students Book Pack-4
R$ 116,35
R$ 116,35
R$ 116,35
Touchstone 4 Students Book - 2nd Ed
R$ 165,12
R$ 165,12
R$ 165,12
Touchstone 1 Student's Book - 2nd Ed
R$ 174,72
R$ 174,72
R$ 174,72
Touchstone 1B - Student's Book
R$ 176,90
Touchstone 3 Students Book - 2nd Ed
R$ 186,24
R$ 186,24
R$ 186,24
Touchstone 2 - Student's Book - 02 Ed
R$ 192,00
R$ 192,00
R$ 192,00
Touchstone 3 - Student's Book - Second Edition - Cambridge University Press - Elt
R$ 192,00
Touchstone 2a Sb 2ed
R$ 100,30
R$ 100,30
Touchstone 1 - Student'S Book
R$ 183,82
Touchstone 1 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 1b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 1b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 2 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 2 Student'S Book
Touchstone 2 Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 2 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 2 Workbook - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 2a Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 2a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 2b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 2b Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 2b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 3 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 2a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 1 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 1a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 1a Sb 2ed
Touchstone 1a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 1b - Student´s Book
Attitude 1 Pack (Sb+Wb Cd-Rom)
Attitude 4 Students Book - Macmillan - 1
More! 1 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
More! 2 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
More! 3 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
More! 4 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 3 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 3a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 3a Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 3a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 3b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 3b Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 3b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 4 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 4 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 4a Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 4a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 4b - Student's Book - Second Edition - Cambridge University Press - Elt
Touchstone 4b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 4b Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 4b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone 4a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Arraste a tabela < - >
Onde Comprar?
Onde Comprar o produto "Touchstone 4a Sb 2ed"?
Veja onde comprar os modelos abaixo! 👇
1º Touchstone 4a - Student's Book - Second Edition - Cambridge University Press - Elt na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 89,60
Frete Grátis: Consulte
2º Touchstone 3A - Student's Book - 2nd Ed na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 92,90
Frete Grátis: Consulte
3º Touchstone 3A - Student's Book - 2nd Ed na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 92,90
Frete Grátis: Consulte
4º Touchstone 3A - Student's Book - 2nd Ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 92,90
Frete Grátis: Consulte
5º Touchstone 2a Sb 2ed na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 100,30
Frete Grátis: Consulte
6º Touchstone 2a Sb 2ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 100,30
Frete Grátis: Consulte
7º Touchstone 2A Sb - 2Nd Ed na loja Carrefour
Preço: R$ 100,80
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student's book, level 2a includes units 1-6 of the level 2 student's book and is at the high beginning c
8º Touchstone 4 Students Book B - 2nd Ed na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 101,92
Frete Grátis: Consulte
9º Touchstone 4 Students Book B - 2nd Ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 101,92
Frete Grátis: Consulte
10º Attitude 4 Pack (Sb+Wb Cd-Rom) na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 102,24
Frete Grátis: Consulte
11º Attitude 4 Pack (Sb+Wb Cd-Rom) na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 102,24
Frete Grátis: Consulte
12º Attitude 4 Pack (Sb+Wb Cd-Rom) na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 102,24
Frete Grátis: Consulte
13º Attitude Interactive Pack 4 Sbwb Cd-rom na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 105,65
Frete Grátis: Consulte
14º Attitude Interactive Pack 4 Sbwb Cd-rom na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 105,65
Frete Grátis: Consulte
15º Touchstone 1 Sb a - 2nd Ed na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
16º Touchstone 1 Sb a - 2nd Ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
17º Touchstone 1 Sb B - 2nd Ed na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
18º Touchstone 1B - Student's Book - 02 Ed na loja Carrefour
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone 1b - student's book - 02 ed
19º Touchstone 2a Sb - 2nd Ed na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
20º Touchstone 2a Sb - 2nd Ed na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
21º Touchstone 2a Sb - 2nd Ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
22º Touchstone 3a Sb - 2nd Ed na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
23º Touchstone 3a Sb - 2nd Ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
24º Touchstone 3a Sb 2ed na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
25º Touchstone 3a Sb 2ed na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
26º Touchstone 3a Sb 2ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
27º Touchstone 4a Sb - 2nd Ed na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
28º Touchstone 4A Sb - 2Nd Ed na loja Carrefour
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student's book, level 4a includes units 1-6 of the level 4 student's book and is at the intermediate cef
29º Touchstone 4a Sb - 2nd Ed na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
30º Touchstone 4a Sb - 2nd Ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 106,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
31º Touchstone 4a Sb 2ed na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 108,00
Frete Grátis: Consulte
32º Touchstone 4a Sb 2ed na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 108,00
Frete Grátis: Consulte
33º Touchstone 4a Sb 2ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 108,00
Frete Grátis: Consulte
34º Touchstone 4 Students Book a - 2nd Ed na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 109,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
35º Touchstone 4 Students Book a - 2nd Ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 109,20
Frete Grátis: Consulte
36º Touchstone 1 Sb a - 2nd Ed na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 110,40
Frete Grátis: Consulte
37º Attitude 4 Students Book - Macmillan na loja Livrarias Curitiba
Preço: R$ 113,60
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Attitude é uma coleção organizada em seis níveis, começando pelo starter, ou seja, pode ser utilizada por alunos que são verdadeiramente iniciantes no estudo da língua inglesa
Agora oferecemos a opção de split edition para os níveis de 1 a 5
· o student s book apresenta um language resource e uma seção chamada develop your writing study skills, para encorajar a autonomia dos alunos
Para embasar melhor as atividades de reading foram incluídas ainda seções práticas como language notes, warnings glossaries e useful languages
· o workbook é apresentado em dois formatos: impresso ou eletrônico
O o workbook impresso vem com um áudio cd
O o workbook eletrônico é um cd-rom interativo
· para os professores, a coleção dispõe ainda de: o teacher s edition, que contém o student s book acrescido de respostas dos exercícios
O class audio cd, que apresenta todas as atividades de listening e as canções
O test cd, que o professor pode customizar, ou seja, adaptar às suas necessidades, ou simplesmente imprimir tal qual ele se apresenta
O resource book, que inclui atividades fotocopiáveis elaboradas por autores de diferentes partes do mundo, inclusive brasileiros
O dvd, que apresenta video-clips relacionados aos assuntos tratados no student s book, acompanhado de dvd activity book , que proporciona cerca de 50 70 minutos de aula diretamente ligada ao dvd.
38º American Tiger Students Book Pack-4 na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 116,35
Frete Grátis: Consulte
39º American Tiger Students Book Pack-4 na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 116,35
Frete Grátis: Consulte
40º American Tiger Students Book Pack-4 na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 116,35
Frete Grátis: Consulte
41º Touchstone 4 Students Book B - 2nd Ed na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 120,00
Frete Grátis: Consulte
42º Touchstone 4 Students Book - 2nd Ed na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 165,12
Frete Grátis: Consulte
43º Touchstone 4 Students Book - 2nd Ed na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 165,12
Frete Grátis: Consulte
44º Touchstone 4 Students Book - 2nd Ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 165,12
Frete Grátis: Consulte
45º Touchstone 1 Student's Book - 2nd Ed na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 174,72
Frete Grátis: Consulte
46º Touchstone 1 Student's Book - 2nd Ed na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 174,72
Frete Grátis: Consulte
47º Touchstone 1 Student's Book - 2nd Ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 174,72
Frete Grátis: Consulte
48º Touchstone 1B - Student's Book na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 176,90
Frete Grátis: Consulte
49º Touchstone 1 - Student's Book na loja Carrefour
Preço: R$ 183,82
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Produto novo e físico touchstone level 1
50º Touchstone 3 Students Book - 2nd Ed na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 186,24
Frete Grátis: Consulte
51º Touchstone 3 Students Book - 2nd Ed na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 186,24
Frete Grátis: Consulte
52º Touchstone 3 Students Book - 2nd Ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 186,24
Frete Grátis: Consulte
53º Touchstone 2 - Student's Book - 02 Ed na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 192,00
Frete Grátis: Consulte
54º Touchstone 2 - Student's Book - 02 Ed na loja Shoptime
Preço: R$ 192,00
Frete Grátis: Consulte
55º Touchstone 2 - Student's Book - 02 Ed na loja Submarino
Preço: R$ 192,00
Frete Grátis: Consulte
56º Touchstone 3 - Student's Book - Second Edition - Cambridge University Press - Elt na loja Americanas
Preço: R$ 192,00
Frete Grátis: Consulte
57º Attitude 1 Pack (Sb+Wb Cd-Rom) na loja Shoptime
Frete Grátis: Consulte
58º Attitude 1 Pack (Sb+Wb Cd-Rom) na loja Submarino
Frete Grátis: Consulte
59º Attitude 4 Students Book - Macmillan - 1 na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Attitude é uma coleçao organizada em seis níveis, começando pelo starter, ou seja, pode ser utilizada por alunos que sao verdadeiramente iniciantes no estudo da língua inglesa
Agora oferecemos a opçao de split edition para os níveis de 1 a 5
· o student s book apresenta um language resource e uma seçao chamada develop your writing study skills, para encorajar a autonomia dos alunos
Para embasar melhor as atividades de reading foram incluídas ainda seçoes práticas como language notes, warnings glossaries e useful languages
· o workbook é apresentado em dois formatos: impresso ou eletrônico
O o workbook impresso vem com um audio cd
O o workbook eletrônico é um cd-rom interativo
· para os professores, a coleçao dispoe ainda de: o teacher s edition, que contém o student s book acrescido de respostas dos exercícios
O class audio cd, que apresenta todas as atividades de listening e as cançoes
O test cd, que o professor pode customizar, ou seja, adaptar às suas necessidades, ou simplesmente imprimir tal qual ele se apresenta
O resource book, que inclui atividades fotocopiáveis elaboradas por autores de diferentes partes do mundo, inclusive brasileiros
O dvd, que apresenta video-clips relacionados aos assuntos tratados no student s book, acompanhado de dvd activity book , que proporciona cerca de 50 70 minutos de aula diretamente ligada ao dvd.
60º More! 1 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
More! second edition is a four-level english course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn
In addition to extra practice in reading, writing, vocabulary, listening and grammar, including a useful grammar review sectionin the back of the book, workbook level 1 helps teenagers develop learning and exam skills with dedicated 'learning to learn ' and exam skills sections.
61º More! 2 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
More! second edition is a four-level english course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn
In addition to extra practice in reading, writing, vocabulary, listening and grammar, including a useful grammar review sectionin the back of the book, the workbook helps teenagers develop learning and exam skills with dedicated 'learning to learn ' and exam skills sections.
62º More! 3 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
More! second edition is a four-level english course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn
In addition to extra practice in reading, writing, vocabulary, listening and grammar, including a useful grammar review sectionin the back of the book, workbook level 3 helps teenagers develop learning and exam skills with dedicated 'learning to learn ' and exam skills sections.
63º More! 4 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
More! second edition is a four-level english course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn
In addition to extra practice in reading, writing, vocabulary, listening and grammar, including a useful grammar review sectionin the back of the book, workbook level 4 helps teenagers develop learning and exam skills with dedicated 'learning to learn' and exam skills sections.
64º Touchstone 1 - Student'S Book na loja Americanas
Frete Grátis: Consulte
65º Touchstone 1 - Student'S Book na loja Americanas
Frete Grátis: Consulte
66º Touchstone 1 - Student'S Book na loja Submarino
Frete Grátis: Consulte
67º Touchstone 1 - Student'S Book na loja Submarino
Frete Grátis: Consulte
68º Touchstone 1 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with additional grammar and pronunciation practice added for the second edition
Student 's book, level 1 is at the beginning cefr level (a1).
69º Touchstone 1 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 1 provides practice of the language studied in the student's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
70º Touchstone 1a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
71º Touchstone 1a Sb 2ed na loja Americanas
Frete Grátis: Consulte
72º Touchstone 1a Sb 2ed na loja Shoptime
Frete Grátis: Consulte
73º Touchstone 1a Sb 2ed na loja Submarino
Frete Grátis: Consulte
74º Touchstone 1a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 1a provides practice of the languagestudied in units 1-6 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
75º Touchstone 1b - Student´s Book na loja Americanas
Frete Grátis: Consulte
76º Touchstone 1b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student 's book, level 1b, includes units 7-12 of level 1 student 's book and is at the beginning cefr level (a1).
77º Touchstone 1b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 1b provides practice of the languagestudied in units 7-12 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
78º Touchstone 2 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
79º Touchstone 2 Student'S Book na loja Americanas
Frete Grátis: Consulte
80º Touchstone 2 Student'S Book na loja Submarino
Frete Grátis: Consulte
81º Touchstone 2 Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Easy and enjoyable to teach, touchstone is packed with new and exciting ideas, offering a fresh approach to the teaching and learning of english
Workbook 2 provides follow-up exercises for each two-page lesson in student's book 2, allowing for athorough practice of new vocabulary, structures, and conversation strategies and providing extra reading and writing activities
A progress chart at the end of each unit helps students evaluate their progress and plan further study.
82º Touchstone 2 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
83º Touchstone 2 Workbook - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone, together with viewpoint, is a six-level english program based on research from the cambridge english corpus
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 2 provides practice of the language studied in the student s book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
84º Touchstone 2a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student's book, level 2a includes units 1-6 of the level 2 student's book and is at the high beginning cefr level (a1-a2).
85º Touchstone 2a Sb 2ed na loja Americanas
Frete Grátis: Consulte
86º Touchstone 2a Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone is a ground-breaking new series that offers a fresh approach to teaching and learning north american english
It draws on the cambridge international corpus, a large database of conversations and written texts, to build a syllabus based onhow people actually use english
The series introduces unique conversation management strateties, places special emphasis on teaching vocabulary and vocabulary-learning strategies, and offers exciting ideas for personalized, learner-centered
87º Touchstone 2a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 2a provides practice of the languagestudied in units 1-6 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
88º Touchstone 2b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student 's book, level 2b, includes units 7-12 of level 2 student 's book and is at the high beginning cefr level (a1-a2).
89º Touchstone 2b Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone is a ground-breaking new series that offers a fresh approach to teaching and learning north american english
It draws on the cambridge international corpus, a large database of conversations and written texts, to build a syllabus based onhow people actually use english
The series introduces unique conversation management strateties, places special emphasis on teaching vocabulary and vocabulary-learning strategies, and offers exciting ideas for personalized, learner-centered
90º Touchstone 2b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 2b provides practice of the languagestudied in units 7-12 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
91º Touchstone 3 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
92º Touchstone 3 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
93º Touchstone 3a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
94º Touchstone 3a Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone is a ground-breaking new series that offers a fresh approach to teaching and learning north american english
It draws on the cambridge international corpus, a large database of conversations and written texts, to build a syllabus based onhow people actually use english
The series introduces unique conversation management strateties, places special emphasis on teaching vocabulary and vocabulary-learning strategies, and offers exciting ideas for personalized, learner-centered
95º Touchstone 3a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 3a provides practice of the languagestudied in units 1-6 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
96º Touchstone 3b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student 's book, level 3b, includes units 7-12 of level 3 student 's book and is at the low intermediate cefr level (a2-b1).
97º Touchstone 3b Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone is a ground-breaking new series that offers a fresh approach to teaching and learning north american english
It draws on the cambridge international corpus, a large database of conversations and written texts, to build a syllabus based onhow people actually use english
The series introduces unique conversation management strateties, places special emphasis on teaching vocabulary and vocabulary-learning strategies, and offers exciting ideas for personalized, learner-centered
98º Touchstone 3b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 3b provides practice of the languagestudied in units 7-12 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
99º Touchstone 4 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with additional grammar and pronunciation practice added for the second edition
Student 's book, level 4 is at the intermediate cefr level (b1-b2).
100º Touchstone 4 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
101º Touchstone 4a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student 's book, level 4a includes units 1-6 of the level 4 student 's book and is at the intermediate cefr level (b1-b2).
102º Touchstone 4a Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone is a ground-breaking new series that offers a fresh approach to teaching and learning north american english
It draws on the cambridge international corpus, a large database of conversations and written texts, to build a syllabus based onhow people actually use english
The series introduces unique conversation management strateties, places special emphasis on teaching vocabulary and vocabulary-learning strategies, and offers exciting ideas for personalized, learner-centered
103º Touchstone 4a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 4a provides practice of the languagestudied in units 1-6 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
104º Touchstone 4b - Student's Book - Second Edition - Cambridge University Press - Elt na loja Americanas
Frete Grátis: Consulte
105º Touchstone 4b - Student's Book - Second Edition - Cambridge University Press - Elt na loja Submarino
Frete Grátis: Consulte
106º Touchstone 4b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student 's book, level 4b, includes units 7-12 of level 4 student 's book and is at the intermediate cefr level (b1-b2).
107º Touchstone 4b Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone is a ground-breaking new series that offers a fresh approach to teaching and learning north american english
It draws on the cambridge international corpus, a large database of conversations and written texts, to build a syllabus based onhow people actually use english
The series introduces unique conversation management strateties, places special emphasis on teaching vocabulary and vocabulary-learning strategies, and offers exciting ideas for personalized, learner-centered
108º Touchstone 4b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University na loja Magazine Luiza
Frete Grátis: Consulte
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 4b provides practice of the languagestudied in units 7-12 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
Análise de Preços
Monitoramos o preço dele nos últimos 39 meses. Veja o que descobrimos!
A análise foi realizada em 6 lojas: Americanas, Submarino, Shoptime, Livrarias Curitiba, Carrefour e Magazine Luiza
Histórico de preços por data, com base em nosso monitoramento diário 👇
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Livrarias Curitiba
Magazine Luiza
R$ 89,60
R$ 92,90
R$ 92,90
R$ 100,80
R$ 113,60
R$ 89,60
R$ 92,90
R$ 92,90
R$ 100,80
R$ 113,60
R$ 89,60
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R$ 92,90
R$ 100,80
R$ 113,60
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R$ 102,24
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R$ 102,24
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R$ 99,97
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R$ 96,56
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R$ 89,60
R$ 100,80
R$ 113,60
R$ 89,60
R$ 92,90
R$ 89,60
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R$ 113,60
R$ 89,60
R$ 92,90
R$ 89,60
R$ 100,80
R$ 113,60
R$ 89,60
R$ 92,90
R$ 92,90
R$ 100,80
R$ 113,60
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Análise detalhada!
Qual o menor preço que o produto já alcançou?
Dos 39 meses em que o produto foi monitorado, apresentou o menor valor na loja Americanas
O valor foi de R$ 89,60 em 19/05/2022
E o maior valor?
Foi R$ 113,60, na loja Livrarias Curitiba, em 19/05/2022
E um bom momento para comprá-lo?
Sim, pois o estoque poderá se esgotar
Em qual loja costuma ficar mais barato?
Na loja Americanas
Qual o melhor site para comprar, com melhor custo-benefício?
Na loja Americanas por R$ 89,60
Qual a Loja mais barata hoje?
Americanas, valor de R$ 89,60
Conclusão 👇
Compre na loja Americanas por R$ 89,60
... atualmente é o melhor preço, e você fará a melhor compra!
como 2ª opção, compre na loja Submarino por R$ 89,60
como 3ª opção, compre na loja Shoptime por R$ 92,90
Diferenças e Comparativo
Qual melhor "Touchstone 4a Sb 2ed"?
Veja as diferenças e benefícios do produto "Touchstone 4a Sb 2ed" 👇
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Código de Barras
Jeanne Mccarten
Cambridge University
Cambridge University
Ano de Lançamento
1ª Ed.
Cambridge do Brasil
Mais Informações
Assunto: Ensino de Línguas, Origem: Nacional, Código de Barras: 9781107679870
Tipo de Capa
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Ficha Técnica
Ficha Técnica e Características do produto "Touchstone 4a Sb 2ed"
Attitude 4 Pack (Sb+Wb Cd-Rom)
Código de Barras
Attitude 4 Students Book - Macmillan
Attitude é uma coleção organizada em seis níveis, começando pelo starter, ou seja, pode ser utilizada por alunos que são verdadeiramente iniciantes no estudo da língua inglesa
Agora oferecemos a opção de split edition para os níveis de 1 a 5
· o student s book apresenta um language resource e uma seção chamada develop your writing study skills, para encorajar a autonomia dos alunos
Para embasar melhor as atividades de reading foram incluídas ainda seções práticas como language notes, warnings glossaries e useful languages
· o workbook é apresentado em dois formatos: impresso ou eletrônico.
9789706503763, LV248816
Attitude 4 Students Book - Macmillan - 1
Attitude é uma coleçao organizada em seis níveis, começando pelo starter, ou seja, pode ser utilizada por alunos que sao verdadeiramente iniciantes no estudo da língua inglesa
Agora oferecemos a opçao de split edition para os níveis de 1 a 5
· o student s book apresenta um language resource e uma seçao chamada develop your writing study skills, para encorajar a autonomia dos alunos
Para embasar melhor as atividades de reading foram incluídas ainda seçoes práticas como language notes, warnings glossaries e useful languages
· o workbook é apresentado em dois formatos: impresso ou eletrônico.
Attitude Interactive Pack 4 Sbwb Cd-rom
Código de Barras
More! 1 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
More! second edition is a four-level english course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn
In addition to extra practice in reading, writing, vocabulary, listening and grammar, including a useful grammar review sectionin the back of the book, workbook level 1 helps teenagers develop learning and exam skills with dedicated 'learning to learn ' and exam skills sections.
More! 2 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
More! second edition is a four-level english course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn
In addition to extra practice in reading, writing, vocabulary, listening and grammar, including a useful grammar review sectionin the back of the book, the workbook helps teenagers develop learning and exam skills with dedicated 'learning to learn ' and exam skills sections.
More! 3 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
More! second edition is a four-level english course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn
In addition to extra practice in reading, writing, vocabulary, listening and grammar, including a useful grammar review sectionin the back of the book, workbook level 3 helps teenagers develop learning and exam skills with dedicated 'learning to learn ' and exam skills sections.
More! 4 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
More! second edition is a four-level english course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn
In addition to extra practice in reading, writing, vocabulary, listening and grammar, including a useful grammar review sectionin the back of the book, workbook level 4 helps teenagers develop learning and exam skills with dedicated 'learning to learn' and exam skills sections.
Touchstone 1 - Student'S Book
Ano de Lançamento
2005, 2014
Jeanne Mccarten, Michael Mccarthy
Touchstone 1 - Student's Book
Produto novo e físico touchstone level 1
Touchstone 1 - Student'S Book
1ª Ed., 2ª Ed.
Cambridge do Brasil
Mais Informações
Assunto: Ensino de Línguas, Origem: Nacional, Código de Barras: 9781107679870, Assunto: Ensino de Línguas, Origem: Importado, Código de Barras: 9780521666114, Assunto: Ensino de Línguas, Origem: Importado, Código de Barras: 9780521666114
Tipo de Capa
Código de Barras
1107679877, 9780521666114
30552110, 34356083
1107679877, 9780521666114
Touchstone 1 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with additional grammar and pronunciation practice added for the second edition
Student 's book, level 1 is
Touchstone 1 Sb a - 2nd Ed
Código de Barras
Touchstone 1 Sb B - 2nd Ed
Código de Barras
Touchstone 1 Student's Book - 2nd Ed
Cambridge University
Código de Barras
Touchstone 1 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 1 provides practice of the language studied in the student's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
Touchstone 1a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
Touchstone 1a Sb 2ed
Código de Barras
Touchstone 1a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 1a provides practice of the languagestudied in units 1-6 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
Touchstone 1B - Student's Book
Código de Barras
Touchstone 1B - Student's Book - 02 Ed
Touchstone 1b - student's book - 02 ed
Touchstone 1b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student 's book, level 1b, includes units 7-12 of level 1 student 's book and is at the beginning cefr level (a1).
Touchstone 1b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 1b provides practice of the languagestudied in units 7-12 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
Touchstone 2 - Student's Book - 02 Ed
Código de Barras
Touchstone 2 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
Touchstone 2 Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Easy and enjoyable to teach, touchstone is packed with new and exciting ideas, offering a fresh approach to the teaching and learning of english
Workbook 2 provides follow-up exercises for each two-page lesson in student's book 2, allowing for athorough practice of new vocabulary, structures, and conversation strategies and providing extra reading and writing activities
A progress chart at the end of each unit helps students evaluate their progress and plan further study.
Touchstone 2 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
Touchstone 2 Workbook - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone, together with viewpoint, is a six-level english program based on research from the cambridge english corpus
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 2 provides practice of the language studied in the student s book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
Touchstone 2A Sb - 2Nd Ed
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student's book, level 2a includes units 1-6 of the level 2 student's book and is at the high beginning c
Touchstone 2a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student's book, level 2a includes units 1-6 of the level 2 student's book and is at the high beginning cefr level (a1-a2).
Touchstone 2a Sb 2ed
Código de Barras
Touchstone 2a Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone is a ground-breaking new series that offers a fresh approach to teaching and learning north american english
It draws on the cambridge international corpus, a large database of conversations and written texts, to build a syllabus based onhow people actually use english
The series introduces unique conversation management strateties, places special emphasis on teaching vocabulary and vocabulary-learning strategies, and offers exciting ideas for personalized, learner-centered
Touchstone 2a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 2a provides practice of the languagestudied in units 1-6 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
Touchstone 2b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student 's book, level 2b, includes units 7-12 of level 2 student 's book and is at the high beginning cefr level (a1-a2).
Touchstone 2b Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone is a ground-breaking new series that offers a fresh approach to teaching and learning north american english
It draws on the cambridge international corpus, a large database of conversations and written texts, to build a syllabus based onhow people actually use english
The series introduces unique conversation management strateties, places special emphasis on teaching vocabulary and vocabulary-learning strategies, and offers exciting ideas for personalized, learner-centered
Touchstone 2b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 2b provides practice of the languagestudied in units 7-12 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
Touchstone 3 - Student's Book - Second Edition - Cambridge University Press - Elt
Código de Barras
Touchstone 3 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
Touchstone 3 Students Book - 2nd Ed
Código de Barras
Touchstone 3 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
Touchstone 3A - Student's Book - 2nd Ed
Cambridge University
Código de Barras
Touchstone 3a Sb - 2nd Ed
Código de Barras
Touchstone 3a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
Touchstone 3a Sb 2ed
Código de Barras
Touchstone 3a Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone is a ground-breaking new series that offers a fresh approach to teaching and learning north american english
It draws on the cambridge international corpus, a large database of conversations and written texts, to build a syllabus based onhow people actually use english
The series introduces unique conversation management strateties, places special emphasis on teaching vocabulary and vocabulary-learning strategies, and offers exciting ideas for personalized, learner-centered
Touchstone 3a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 3a provides practice of the languagestudied in units 1-6 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
Touchstone 3b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student 's book, level 3b, includes units 7-12 of level 3 student 's book and is at the low intermediate cefr level (a2-b1).
Touchstone 3b Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone is a ground-breaking new series that offers a fresh approach to teaching and learning north american english
It draws on the cambridge international corpus, a large database of conversations and written texts, to build a syllabus based onhow people actually use english
The series introduces unique conversation management strateties, places special emphasis on teaching vocabulary and vocabulary-learning strategies, and offers exciting ideas for personalized, learner-centered
Touchstone 3b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 3b provides practice of the languagestudied in units 7-12 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
Touchstone 4 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with additional grammar and pronunciation practice added for the second edition
Student 's book, level 4 is
Touchstone 4 Students Book - 2nd Ed
Código de Barras
Touchstone 4 Students Book a - 2nd Ed
Código de Barras
Touchstone 4 Students Book B - 2nd Ed
Código de Barras
Touchstone 4 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Each student 's book contains approximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with addit
Touchstone 4a - Student's Book - Second Edition - Cambridge University Press - Elt
Código de Barras
Touchstone 4A Sb - 2Nd Ed
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student's book, level 4a includes units 1-6 of the level 4 student's book and is at the intermediate cef
Touchstone 4a Sb - 2nd Ed
Código de Barras
Touchstone 4a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student 's book, level 4a includes units 1-6 of the level 4 student 's book and is at the intermediate cefr level (b1-b2).
Touchstone 4a Sb 2ed
Código de Barras
Touchstone 4a Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone is a ground-breaking new series that offers a fresh approach to teaching and learning north american english
It draws on the cambridge international corpus, a large database of conversations and written texts, to build a syllabus based onhow people actually use english
The series introduces unique conversation management strateties, places special emphasis on teaching vocabulary and vocabulary-learning strategies, and offers exciting ideas for personalized, learner-centered
Touchstone 4a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 4a provides practice of the languagestudied in units 1-6 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
Touchstone 4b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use
Activities include a strong focus on inductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy
Student 's book, level 4b, includes units 7-12 of level 4 student 's book and is at the intermediate cefr level (b1-b2).
Touchstone 4b Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone is a ground-breaking new series that offers a fresh approach to teaching and learning north american english
It draws on the cambridge international corpus, a large database of conversations and written texts, to build a syllabus based onhow people actually use english
The series introduces unique conversation management strateties, places special emphasis on teaching vocabulary and vocabulary-learning strategies, and offers exciting ideas for personalized, learner-centered
Touchstone 4b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Touchstone second edition is an innovative four-level american english course for adults and young adults, taking students from beginning (a1) to intermediate (b2) level
Touchstone second edition workbook, level 4b provides practice of the languagestudied in units 7-12 of the student 's book
Activities can be used for homework or in class.
Perguntas Frequentes (FAQ)
Dúvidas sobre "Touchstone 4a Sb 2ed"?
Veja as perguntas frequentes abaixo: 👇
Qual o Ano de Lançamento?
Resposta: 2005
Resposta: 2014
Qual Autor/Artista?
Resposta: Cambridge University
Resposta: Jeanne Mccarten
Resposta: Michael Mccarthy
Qual a Edição?
Resposta: 1ª Ed.
Resposta: 2ª Ed.
Qual a Editora?
Resposta: Cambridge do Brasil
Qual o Formato?
Resposta: Livro
Qual o Idioma?
Resposta: Inglês
Mais Informações importantes
Resposta: Assunto: Ensino de Línguas, Origem: Nacional, Código de Barras: 9781107679870
Resposta: Assunto: Ensino de Línguas, Origem: Importado, Código de Barras: 9780521666114, Assunto: Ensino de Línguas, Origem: Importado, Código de Barras: 9780521666114
Quantas Páginas tem?
Resposta: 150
Qual o Tipo de Capa?
Resposta: Brochura
Quais outros Nomes do produto?
Resposta: Touchstone 4a - Student's Book - Second Edition - Cambridge University Press - Elt
Resposta: Touchstone 3A - Student's Book - 2nd Ed
Resposta: Touchstone 2a Sb - 2nd Ed
Resposta: Touchstone 4 Students Book B - 2nd Ed
Resposta: Attitude 4 Pack (Sb+Wb Cd-Rom)
Resposta: Attitude Interactive Pack 4 Sbwb Cd-rom
Resposta: Touchstone 4a Sb - 2nd Ed
Resposta: Touchstone 3a Sb 2ed
Resposta: Touchstone 1 Sb a - 2nd Ed
Resposta: Touchstone 3a Sb - 2nd Ed
Resposta: Touchstone 1 Sb B - 2nd Ed
Resposta: Touchstone 1B - Student's Book - 02 Ed
Resposta: Touchstone 4a Sb 2ed
Resposta: Touchstone 4 Students Book a - 2nd Ed
Resposta: Attitude 4 Students Book - Macmillan
Resposta: American Tiger Students Book Pack-4
Resposta: Touchstone 4 Students Book - 2nd Ed
Resposta: Touchstone 1 Student's Book - 2nd Ed
Resposta: Touchstone 1B - Student's Book
Resposta: Touchstone 3 Students Book - 2nd Ed
Resposta: Touchstone 2 - Student's Book - 02 Ed
Resposta: Touchstone 3 - Student's Book - Second Edition - Cambridge University Press - Elt
Resposta: Touchstone 2a Sb 2ed
Resposta: Touchstone 1 - Student'S Book
Resposta: Touchstone 1 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 1b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 1b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 2 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 2 Student'S Book
Resposta: Touchstone 2 Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 2 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 2 Workbook - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 2a Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 2a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 2b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 2b Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 2b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 3 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 2a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 1 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 1a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 1a Sb 2ed
Resposta: Touchstone 1a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 1b - Student´s Book
Resposta: Attitude 1 Pack (Sb+Wb Cd-Rom)
Resposta: Attitude 4 Students Book - Macmillan - 1
Resposta: More! 1 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: More! 2 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: More! 3 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: More! 4 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 3 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 3a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 3a Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 3a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 3b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 3b Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 3b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 4 Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 4 Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 4a Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 4a Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 4b - Student's Book - Second Edition - Cambridge University Press - Elt
Resposta: Touchstone 4b Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 4b Wb - 1st Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 4b Wb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
Resposta: Touchstone 4a Sb - 2nd Ed - Cambridge University
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