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This is an attractively designed edition of "gray's anatomy", the scientific and artistic triumph

Kept in print by its clarity and usefulness, the text features sumptuous illustrations and clear, matter-of-fact descriptions

This exquisite version of the text will make an elegant addition to any home library

"gray's anatomy" is a phenomenally well-known title and with good reason; it is a scientific and artistic triumph

Not just a dry index of parts and names, gray's lets the natural beauty and grace of the body's interconnected systems and structures shine forth from the page

Using sumptuous illustrations and clear, matter-of-fact descriptions, dr

Gray unleashed a classic on the world more than 100 years ago

Its clarity and usefulness keep it in print today

Whether you want to understand yourself or others, knowledge of our physical parts and how they fit together is essential

"gray's anatomy" provides that information in a simple, timeless format that cleanly dissects a body of knowledge grown over centuries

This book will not only fill the needs of people in the medical profession, but will please artists and naturalists as well

Part of the "leatherbound classics" series, this volume is an attractively designed edition bound in genuine bonded leather

It will make an elegant addition to any home library.?trim

Livro - Gray's Anatomy
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Mercado LivreR$

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Livro - Gray's Anatomy
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O produto "Livro - Gray's Anatomy" é bom? Vale a pena?

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Vale a pena

"Livro ótimo,didático,para amantes de anatomia. Ediçao com folhas amarelas,coraçao em auto-relevo e bem informativo. Vale a pena."

Livro ótimo

"Livro ótimo,didático,para amantes de anatomia. Ediçao com folhas amarelas,coraçao em auto-relevo e bem informativo. Vale a pena."

Produto muito bem feito

"Produto muito bem feito, material de qualidade que superou minhas expectativas. Capa lindíssima com coraçao em alto relevo e paginas internas também com ilustraçoes. Conteúdo bem organizado e completo. Fiquei apaixonada e definitivamente recomendo!"

Fiquei apaixonada

"Produto muito bem feito, material de qualidade que superou minhas expectativas. Capa lindíssima com coraçao em alto relevo e paginas internas também com ilustraçoes. Conteúdo bem organizado e completo. Fiquei apaixonada e definitivamente recomendo!"

Veja opiniões e depoimentos de quem comprou!

Recomendo esse produto
"Produto muito bem feito, material de qualidade que superou minhas expectativas. Capa lindíssima com coraçao em alto relevo e paginas internas também com ilustraçoes. Conteúdo bem organizado e completo. Fiquei apaixonada e definitivamente recomendo!"
Recomendo esse produto
"Livro ótimo,didático,para amantes de anatomia. Ediçao com folhas amarelas,coraçao em auto-relevo e bem informativo. Vale a pena."

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Qual o Preço?

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Mercado LivreR$
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  • Consulte o preço na loja Submarino
  • Consulte o preço na loja Mercado Livre
  • Consulte o preço na loja OLX

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Produto e Loja Americanas Shoptime Submarino
Livro - Gray's Anatomy

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Onde Comprar o produto "Livro - Gray's Anatomy"?

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Livro - Gray's Anatomy na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Gray's Anatomy

This is an attractively designed edition of "gray's anatomy", the scientific and artistic triumph

Kept in print by its clarity and usefulness, the text features sumptuous illustrations and clear, matter-of-fact descriptions

This exquisite version of the text will make an elegant addition to any home library

"gray's anatomy" is a phenomenally well-known title and with good reason; it is a scientific and artistic triumph

Not just a dry index of parts and names, gray's lets the natural beauty and grace of the body's interconnected systems and structures shine forth from the page

Using sumptuous illustrations and clear, matter-of-fact descriptions, dr

Gray unleashed a classic on the world more than 100 years ago

Its clarity and usefulness keep it in print today

Whether you want to understand yourself or others, knowledge of our physical parts and how they fit together is essential

"gray's anatomy" provides that information in a simple, timeless format that cleanly dissects a body of knowledge grown over centuries

This book will not only fill the needs of people in the medical profession, but will please artists and naturalists as well

Part of the "leatherbound classics" series, this volume is an attractively designed edition bound in genuine bonded leather

It will make an elegant addition to any home library.?trim

Livro - Gray's Anatomy na loja Shoptime

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Gray's Anatomy

This is an attractively designed edition of "gray's anatomy", the scientific and artistic triumph

Kept in print by its clarity and usefulness, the text features sumptuous illustrations and clear, matter-of-fact descriptions

This exquisite version of the text will make an elegant addition to any home library

"gray's anatomy" is a phenomenally well-known title and with good reason; it is a scientific and artistic triumph

Not just a dry index of parts and names, gray's lets the natural beauty and grace of the body's interconnected systems and structures shine forth from the page

Using sumptuous illustrations and clear, matter-of-fact descriptions, dr

Gray unleashed a classic on the world more than 100 years ago

Its clarity and usefulness keep it in print today

Whether you want to understand yourself or others, knowledge of our physical parts and how they fit together is essential

"gray's anatomy" provides that information in a simple, timeless format that cleanly dissects a body of knowledge grown over centuries

This book will not only fill the needs of people in the medical profession, but will please artists and naturalists as well

Part of the "leatherbound classics" series, this volume is an attractively designed edition bound in genuine bonded leather

It will make an elegant addition to any home library.

Livro - Gray's Anatomy na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Gray's Anatomy

This is an attractively designed edition of "gray's anatomy", the scientific and artistic triumph

Kept in print by its clarity and usefulness, the text features sumptuous illustrations and clear, matter-of-fact descriptions

This exquisite version of the text will make an elegant addition to any home library

"gray's anatomy" is a phenomenally well-known title and with good reason; it is a scientific and artistic triumph

Not just a dry index of parts and names, gray's lets the natural beauty a

Achou caro? Deixa que a gente te avisa quando o preço baixar!

Ficha Técnica

Ficha Técnica e Características do produto "Livro - Gray's Anatomy"

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Livro - Gray's Anatomy Livro - Gray's Anatomy
AssuntoMedicina E Saude-Medicina-Anatomia E Fisiologia Hu

This is an attractively designed edition of "gray's anatomy", the scientific and artistic triumph

Kept in print by its clarity and usefulness, the text features sumptuous illustrations and clear, matter-of-fact descriptions

This exquisite version of the text will make an elegant addition to any home library

"gray's anatomy" is a phenomenally well-known title and with good reason; it is a scientific and artistic triumph

Not just a dry index of parts and names, gray's lets the natural beauty a, this is an attractively designed edition of "gray's anatomy", the scientific and artistic triumph

Kept in print by its clarity and usefulness, the text features sumptuous illustrations and clear, matter-of-fact descriptions

This exquisite version of the text will make an elegant addition to any home library

"gray's anatomy" is a phenomenally well-known title and with good reason; it is a scientific and artistic triumph

Not just a dry index of parts and names, gray's lets the natural beauty and grace of the body's interconnected systems and structures shine forth from the page

Using sumptu

EditoraBarnes & Noble Classics, Barnes &amp; Noble Classics
Tipo de capaOutros
TítuloGray&#x27;s Anatomy, Gray's Anatomy
Código de Barras9781435114937

Perguntas Frequentes (FAQ)

Dúvidas sobre "Livro - Gray's Anatomy"?

Veja as perguntas frequentes abaixo: 👇

Qual o Ano?

  • Resposta: 2011

Qual o Assunto?

  • Resposta: Medicina E Saude-Medicina-Anatomia E Fisiologia Hu

Qual a Edição?

  • Resposta: 1ª

Qual a Editora?

  • Resposta: Barnes & Noble Classics
  • Resposta: Barnes &amp; Noble Classics

Qual o Idioma?

  • Resposta: Inglês

Quantas Páginas tem?

  • Resposta: 1096

Qual o Tipo de capa?

  • Resposta: Outros

Qual o Título?

  • Resposta: Gray&#x27;s Anatomy
  • Resposta: Gray's Anatomy

Quais outros Nomes do produto?

  • Resposta: Livro - Gray's Anatomy

Onde Comprar?

  • Resposta: Loja Americanas
  • Resposta: Loja Shoptime
  • Resposta: Loja Submarino
  • Resposta: Loja Mercado Livre
  • Resposta: Loja OLX

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Promoções, Ofertas e Cupom de Desconto "Livro - Gray's Anatomy"

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Cupom de Desconto "Livro - Gray's Anatomy" na loja Submarino


Cupom de Desconto "Livro - Gray's Anatomy" na loja Mercado Livre


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Código de Barras

Código de Barras (EAN, GTIN, ISBN, ASIN, SKU) 'Livro - Gray's Anatomy'

Livro - Gray's Anatomy
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9781435114937'
Código de Barras






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  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Belém
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  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Brasília
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Campo Grande
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Cuiabá
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Curitiba
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Florianópolis
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Fortaleza
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Goiânia
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em João Pessoa
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Macapá
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Maceió
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Manaus
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  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Porto Alegre
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Porto Velho
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  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Rio Branco
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Rio de Janeiro
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Salvador
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em São Luís
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em São Paulo
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Teresina
  • Livro - Gray's Anatomy em Vitória

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  • Confira réplicas do produto "Livro - Gray's Anatomy" na OLX

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