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As president of the federal reserve bank of new york and then as president barack obama's secretary of the treasury, timothy f

Geithner helped the united states navigate the worst financial crisis since the great depression, from boom to bust to rescue to recovery

In a candid, riveting, and historically illuminating memoir, he takes readers behind the scenes of the crisis, explaining the hard choices and politically unpalatable decisions he made to repair a broken financial system and prevent the collapse of the main street economy

This is the inside story of how a small group of policy makers - in a thick fog of uncertainty, with unimaginably high stakes - helped avoid a second depression but lost the american people doing it

Stress test is also a valuable guide to how governments can better manage financial crises, because this one won't be the last

Stress test reveals a side of secretary geithner the public has never seen, starting with his childhood as an american abroad

He recounts his early days as a young treasury official helping to fight the international financial crises of the 1990s, then describes what he saw, what he did, and what he missed at the new york fed before the wall street boom went bust

He takes readers inside the room as the crisis began, intensified, and burned out of control, discussing the most controversial episodes of his tenures at the new york fed and the treasury, including the rescue of bear stearns; the harrowing weekend when lehman brothers failed; the searing crucible of the aig rescue as well as the furor over the firm's lavish bonuses; the battles inside the obama administration over his widely criticized but ultimately successful plan to end the crisis; and the bracing fight for the most sweeping financial reforms in more than seventy years

Secretary geithner also describes the aftershocks of the crisis, including the administration's efforts to address high unemployment, a series of brutal political battles over deficits and debt, and the drama over europe's repeated flirtations with the economic abyss

Secretary geithner is not a politician, but he has things to say about politics - the silliness, the nastiness, the toll it took on his family

But in the end, stress test is a hopeful story about public service

In this revealing memoir, tim geithner explains how america withstood the ultimate stress test of its political and financial systems

Imagens meramente ilustrativas

Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises
Loja Preço Comprar
AmericanasR$ 54,33
ShoptimeR$ 54,99
SubmarinoR$ 54,99
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"Dá uma visao ampla sobre crises macroeconômicas globais, incluindo a de 2008 com detalhes dos bastidores e os motivos das decisoes tomadas durante cada uma. Fornece visoes das políticas do FMI, FED e Tesouro Americano e como as instituiçoes financeiras funcionam globalmente. Linguagem simples, clara e objetiva até para quem nao está familiarizado com o mundo financeiro. Imprescindível."

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Qual o Preço?

Quanto custa? Qual o valor? Veja os preços do produto "Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises"

Loja Preço Comprar
AmericanasR$ 54,33
ShoptimeR$ 54,99
SubmarinoR$ 54,99
Mercado Livre-

O preço médio do produto é R$ 54,88

Podendo variar de R$ 54,33 até R$ 55,32, a depender da loja:

  • na loja Americanas você encontra por R$ 54,33
  • na loja Shoptime você encontra por R$ 54,99
  • na loja Submarino você encontra a partir de R$ 54,99 (podendo chegar a R$ 55,32)
  • Consulte o preço na loja Mercado Livre
  • Consulte o preço na loja OLX

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Produto e Loja Americanas Shoptime Submarino
Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises R$ 54,33R$ 54,99R$ 55,32

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Onde Comprar?

Onde Comprar o produto "Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises"?

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Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 54,33

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises

As president of the federal reserve bank of new york and then as president barack obama's secretary of the treasury, timothy f

Geithner helped the united states navigate the worst financial crisis since the great depression, from boom to bust to rescue to recovery

In a candid, riveting, and historically illuminating memoir, he takes readers behind the scenes of the crisis, explaining the hard choices and politically unpalatable decisions he made to repair a broken financial system and prevent

Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 54,99

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises

As president of the federal reserve bank of new york and then as president barack obama's secretary of the treasury, timothy f

Geithner helped the united states navigate the worst financial crisis since the great depression, from boom to bust to rescue to recovery

In a candid, riveting, and historically illuminating memoir, he takes readers behind the scenes of the crisis, explaining the hard choices and politically unpalatable decisions he made to repair a broken financial system and prevent the collapse of the main street economy

This is the inside story of how a small group of policy makers - in a thick fog of uncertainty, with unimaginably high stakes - helped avoid a second depression but lost the american people doing it

Stress test is also a valuable guide to how governments can better manage financial crises, because this one won't be the last

Stress test reveals a side of secretary geithner the public has never seen, starting with his childhood as an american abroad

He recounts his early days as a young treasury official helping to fight the international financial crises of the 1990s, then describes what he saw, what he did, and what he missed at the new york fed before the wall street boom went bust

He takes readers inside the room as the crisis began, intensified, and burned out of control, discussing the most controversial episodes of his tenures at the new york fed and the treasury, including the rescue of bear stearns; the harrowing weekend when lehman brothers failed; the searing crucible of the aig rescue as well as the furor over the firm's lavish bonuses; the battles inside the obama administration over his widely criticized but ultimately successful plan to end the crisis; and the bracing fight for the most sweeping financial reforms in more than seventy years

Secretary geithner also describes the aftershocks of the crisis, including the administration's efforts to address high unemployment, a series of brutal political battles over deficits and debt, and the drama over europe's repeated flirtations with the economic abyss

Secretary geithner is not a politician, but he has things to say about politics - the silliness, the nastiness, the toll it took on his family

But in the end, stress test is a hopeful story about public service

In this revealing memoir, tim geithner explains how america withstood the ultimate stress test of its political and financial systems

Imagens meramente ilustrativas

Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 55,32

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises

As president of the federal reserve bank of new york and then as president barack obama's secretary of the treasury, timothy f

Geithner helped the united states navigate the worst financial crisis since the great depression, from boom to bust to rescue to recovery

In a candid, riveting, and historically illuminating memoir, he takes readers behind the scenes of the crisis, explaining the hard choices and politically unpalatable decisions he made to repair a broken financial system and prevent

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Análise de Preços

Monitoramos o preço dele nos últimos 32 meses. Veja o que descobrimos!

A análise foi realizada em 3 lojas: Americanas, Shoptime e Submarino

Histórico de preços por data, com base em nosso monitoramento diário 👇

Arraste a tabela < - >

Data Americanas Shoptime Submarino
Hoje R$ 54,33R$ 54,99R$ 55,32
15/10/2021 R$ 54,33R$ 54,99R$ 55,32
14/10/2021 R$ 54,33R$ 54,99R$ 55,32
29/11/2019 R$ 54,33R$ 54,99R$ 54,99
22/05/2019 R$ 54,33R$ 54,99R$ 55,32
14/03/2019 R$ 54,33R$ 54,99R$ 54,99
11/03/2019 R$ 54,33R$ 54,99R$ 54,99

Arraste a tabela < - >

Análise detalhada!

Qual o menor preço que o produto já alcançou?

Dos 32 meses em que o produto foi monitorado, apresentou o menor valor na loja Americanas

O valor foi de R$ 54,33 em 15/10/2021

E o maior valor?

Foi R$ 55,32, na loja Submarino, em 15/10/2021

E um bom momento para comprá-lo?

Sim, pois o estoque poderá se esgotar

Em qual loja costuma ficar mais barato?

Na loja Americanas

Qual o melhor site para comprar, com melhor custo-benefício?

Na loja Americanas por R$ 54,33

Qual a Loja mais barata hoje?

Americanas, valor de R$ 54,33

Conclusão 👇

Compre na loja Americanas por R$ 54,33

... atualmente é o melhor preço, e você fará a melhor compra!


como 2ª opção, compre na loja Shoptime por R$ 54,99

como 3ª opção, compre na loja Submarino por R$ 54,99

Ficha Técnica

Ficha Técnica e Características do produto "Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises"

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises
Autor(a)Timothy F. Geithner

As president of the federal reserve bank of new york and then as president barack obama's secretary of the treasury, timothy f

Geithner helped the united states navigate the worst financial crisis since the great depression, from boom to bust to rescue to recovery

In a candid, riveting, and historically illuminating memoir, he takes readers behind the scenes of the crisis, explaining the hard choices and politically unpalatable decisions he made to repair a broken financial system and prevent, as president of the federal reserve bank of new york and then as president barack obama's secretary of the treasury, timothy f

Geithner helped the united states navigate the worst financial crisis since the great depression, from boom to bust to rescue to recovery

In a candid, riveting, and historically illuminating memoir, he takes readers behind the scenes of the crisis, explaining the hard choices and politically unpalatable decisions he made to repair a broken financial system and prevent the collapse of the main street economy

This is the inside story of how a small group of policy mak

EditoraPenguin Random House Usa
SubtítuloReflections on Financial Crises
Tipo de capaBrochura
TítuloStress Test
Código de barras9780804138611

Perguntas Frequentes (FAQ)

Dúvidas sobre "Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises"?

Veja as perguntas frequentes abaixo: 👇

Qual o Ano?

  • Resposta: 2015

Qual o Assunto?

  • Resposta: Economia

Quem são os autores?

  • Resposta: Timothy F. Geithner

Qual a Edição?

  • Resposta: 1ª

Qual a Editora?

  • Resposta: Penguin Random House Usa

Qual o Formato?

  • Resposta: Livro

Qual o Idioma?

  • Resposta: Inglês

Quantas Páginas tem?

  • Resposta: 592

Qual o Subtítulo?

  • Resposta: Reflections on Financial Crises

Qual o Tipo de capa?

  • Resposta: Brochura

Qual o Título?

  • Resposta: Stress Test

Quais outros Nomes do produto?

  • Resposta: Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises

Onde Comprar?

  • Resposta: Loja Americanas
  • Resposta: Loja Shoptime
  • Resposta: Loja Submarino
  • Resposta: Loja Mercado Livre
  • Resposta: Loja OLX

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Código de Barras

Código de Barras (EAN, GTIN, ISBN, ASIN, SKU) 'Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises'

Livro - Stress Test: Reflections On Financial Crises
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780804138611'
Código de barras






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