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Dante's divine comedy

Are you looking for one of the best books of all time to read? then you've come to the right spot! divine comedy by dante is one of the best works of all time

Don't miss out on this great classic - read divine comedy by dante today! inferno, purgatorio, and paradiso - the three fates of the deceased become the three pillars of an epic poem

The divine comedy, written by italian poet dante alighieri in the fourteenth century, is considered the foremost work in italian literature

The journey begins with dante's descent into the depths of hell where he witnesses those eternally separated from god

Then he climbs the mountain of purgatory where christian souls undergo final purification, before finally touring the celestial circles of heaven where he is filled with the image of god

An allegorical work, the comedy is representative of the soul's journey towards god

Influential for seven centuries, this classic is a must have for lovers of great literature, and the luxurious leather-bound edition from canterbury classics will make a stunning addition to any library

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Livro - The Divine Comedy
Loja Preço Comprar
SubmarinoR$ 80,91
Mercado Livre-

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Livro - The Divine Comedy
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De ótima qualidade

"Livro muito lindo e de ótima qualidade. Recomendo!"

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"A qualidade do livro é absurda. Tanto a capa quanto as páginas sao impecáveis. É um livro para se deixar em exposiçao. Chegou em perfeito estado."

Livro muito lindo

"Livro muito lindo e de ótima qualidade. Recomendo!"

Encadernaçao perfeita

"Encadernaçao perfeita... Uma pena nao existir a versao traduzida em português com um acabamento desses... As ilustraçoes sao de Gustav Doré e a versao é em verso."

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"Encadernaçao perfeita... Uma pena nao existir a versao traduzida em português com um acabamento desses... As ilustraçoes sao de Gustav Doré e a versao é em verso."
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"A qualidade do livro é absurda. Tanto a capa quanto as páginas sao impecáveis. É um livro para se deixar em exposiçao. Chegou em perfeito estado."
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"Livro muito lindo e de ótima qualidade. Recomendo!"

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Loja Preço Comprar
SubmarinoR$ 80,91
Mercado Livre-

O preço médio do produto é R$ 80,91

  • na loja Submarino você encontra por R$ 80,91
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Produto e Loja Submarino Americanas Shoptime
Livro - The Divine Comedy R$ 80,91

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Livro - The Divine Comedy na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 80,91

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - The Divine Comedy

Dante's divine comedy

Are you looking for one of the best books of all time to read? then you've come to the right spot! divine comedy by dante is one of the best works of all time

Don't miss out on this great classic - read divine comedy by dante today! inferno, purgatorio, and paradiso - the three fates of the deceased become the three pillars of an epic poem

The divine comedy, written by italian poet dante alighieri in the fourteenth century, is considered the foremost work in italian lite

Livro - The Divine Comedy na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - The Divine Comedy

Dante's divine comedy

Are you looking for one of the best books of all time to read? then you've come to the right spot! divine comedy by dante is one of the best works of all time

Don't miss out on this great classic - read divine comedy by dante today! inferno, purgatorio, and paradiso - the three fates of the deceased become the three pillars of an epic poem

The divine comedy, written by italian poet dante alighieri in the fourteenth century, is considered the foremost work in italian literature

The journey begins with dante's descent into the depths of hell where he witnesses those eternally separated from god

Then he climbs the mountain of purgatory where christian souls undergo final purification, before finally touring the celestial circles of heaven where he is filled with the image of god

An allegorical work, the comedy is representative of the soul's journey towards god

Influential for seven centuries, this classic is a must have for lovers of great literature, and the luxurious leather-bound edition from canterbury classics will make a stunning addition to any library

Imagem meramente ilustrativa.

Livro - The Divine Comedy na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - The Divine Comedy

A landmark of world literature, "the divine comedy" tells of the poet dante's travels through hell, purgatory and paradise in search of salvation

Before he is redeemed by his love for the heavenly beatrice, he learns the meaning of evil, sin, damnation and forgiveness through a series of unforgettable experiences and encounters in what is considered a pre-eminent work of italian literature

This edition of "the divine comedy" features henry wadsworth longfellow's renowned and 135 full-page reproductions of gustave dore's classic engravings from the 1867 edition

"the divine comedy" is part of "barnes & noble"'s series of quality leatherbound volumes

Each title in the series presents a classic work in an attractively designed edition bound in genuine bonded leather

These books make elegant additions to any home library.?trim

Livro - The Divine Comedy na loja Shoptime

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - The Divine Comedy

Dante's divine comedy

Are you looking for one of the best books of all time to read? then you've come to the right spot! divine comedy by dante is one of the best works of all time

Don't miss out on this great classic - read divine comedy by dante today! inferno, purgatorio, and paradiso - the three fates of the deceased become the three pillars of an epic poem

The divine comedy, written by italian poet dante alighieri in the fourteenth century, is considered the foremost work in italian literature

The journey begins with dante's descent into the depths of hell where he witnesses those eternally separated from god

Then he climbs the mountain of purgatory where christian souls undergo final purification, before finally touring the celestial circles of heaven where he is filled with the image of god

An allegorical work, the comedy is representative of the soul's journey towards god

Influential for seven centuries, this classic is a must have for lovers of great literature, and the luxurious leather-bound edition from canterbury classics will make a stunning addition to any library

Imagem meramente ilustrativa.

Livro - The Divine Comedy na loja Submarino

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - The Divine Comedy

A landmark of world literature, "the divine comedy" tells of the poet dante's travels through hell, purgatory and paradise in search of salvation

Before he is redeemed by his love for the heavenly beatrice, he learns the meaning of evil, sin, damnation and forgiveness through a series of unforgettable experiences and encounters in what is considered a pre-eminent work of italian literature

This edition of "the divine comedy" features henry wadsworth longfellow's renowned and 135 full-page repr

Achou caro? Deixa que a gente te avisa quando o preço baixar!

Análise de Preços

Monitoramos o preço dele nos últimos 32 meses. Veja o que descobrimos!

A análise foi realizada em 3 lojas: Submarino, Americanas e Shoptime

Histórico de preços por data, com base em nosso monitoramento diário 👇

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Data Submarino Americanas Shoptime
Hoje R$ 80,91
15/10/2021 R$ 80,91
14/10/2021 R$ 80,91
27/02/2019 R$ 80,91

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Análise detalhada!

Qual o menor preço que o produto já alcançou?

Dos 32 meses em que o produto foi monitorado, apresentou o menor valor na loja Submarino

O valor foi de R$ 80,91 em 15/10/2021

E o maior valor?

E um bom momento para comprá-lo?

Sim, pois o estoque poderá se esgotar

Em qual loja costuma ficar mais barato?

Na loja Submarino

Qual o melhor site para comprar, com melhor custo-benefício?

Na loja Submarino por R$ 80,91

Qual a Loja mais barata hoje?

Submarino, valor de R$ 80,91

Conclusão 👇

Compre na loja Submarino por R$ 80,91

... atualmente é o melhor preço, e você fará a melhor compra!

Ficha Técnica

Ficha Técnica e Características do produto "Livro - The Divine Comedy"

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Livro - The Divine Comedy Livro - The Divine Comedy
Ano2010, 2013
AssuntoLiteratura Estrangeira - Romance, Literatura Estrangeira

Dante's divine comedy

Are you looking for one of the best books of all time to read? then you've come to the right spot! divine comedy by dante is one of the best works of all time

Don't miss out on this great classic - read divine comedy by dante today! inferno, purgatorio, and paradiso - the three fates of the deceased become the three pillars of an epic poem

The divine comedy, written by italian poet dante alighieri in the fourteenth century, is considered the foremost work in italian lite, dante's divine comedy

Are you looking for one of the best books of all time to read? then you've come to the right spot! divine comedy by dante is one of the best works of all time

Don't miss out on this great classic - read divine comedy by dante today! inferno, purgatorio, and paradiso - the three fates of the deceased become the three pillars of an epic poem

The divine comedy, written by italian poet dante alighieri in the fourteenth century, is considered the foremost work in italian literature

The journey begins with dante's descent into the depths of hell where he witnesses those ete

EditoraBarnes & Noble Classics, Barnes &amp; Noble Classics, Canterbury Classics
Páginas600, 693
Tipo de capaCapa Dura
TítuloThe Divine Comedy
Código de barras9781435103849, 9781607109914
Código113538341, 119440054
ISBN9781435103849, 9781607109914

Perguntas Frequentes (FAQ)

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Veja as perguntas frequentes abaixo: 👇

Qual o Ano?

  • Resposta: 2010
  • Resposta: 2013

Qual o Assunto?

  • Resposta: Literatura Estrangeira - Romance
  • Resposta: Literatura Estrangeira

Qual a Edição?

  • Resposta: 1ª

Qual a Editora?

  • Resposta: Barnes & Noble Classics
  • Resposta: Barnes &amp; Noble Classics
  • Resposta: Canterbury Classics

Qual o Formato?

  • Resposta: Livro

Qual o Idioma?

  • Resposta: Inglês

Quantas Páginas tem?

  • Resposta: 600
  • Resposta: 693

Qual o Tipo de capa?

  • Resposta: Capa Dura

Qual o Título?

  • Resposta: The Divine Comedy

Quais outros Nomes do produto?

  • Resposta: Livro - The Divine Comedy

Onde Comprar?

  • Resposta: Loja Submarino
  • Resposta: Loja Americanas
  • Resposta: Loja Shoptime
  • Resposta: Loja Mercado Livre
  • Resposta: Loja OLX

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Código de Barras (EAN, GTIN, ISBN, ASIN, SKU) 'Livro - The Divine Comedy'

Livro - The Divine Comedy
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9781435103849'Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9781607109914'
Código de barras

9781435103849, 9781607109914


113538341, 119440054


9781435103849, 9781607109914

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  • Livro - The Divine Comedy em São Luís
  • Livro - The Divine Comedy em São Paulo
  • Livro - The Divine Comedy em Teresina
  • Livro - The Divine Comedy em Vitória

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