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Sobre o Produto

Livro - the complete stories mordant, mirthful, and unrelenting in their lampoon of aristocratic mischief, evelyn waugh's novels have earned him a permanent place in the literary pantheon

But this cantankerous master-the scion, by the way, of a decidedly middle-class family of publishers and writers - was no less adept when it came to the short form

Indeed, waugh first broke into print in 1926 with the balance: a yarn of the good old days of broad trousers and high necked jumpers, an early story that suggests a modernized and misanthropic p.g


And he continued to write short fiction throughout the rest of his career, all of which has now been collected in the delectable complete stories of evelyn waugh

The first few entries in the collection capture a kinder, gentler author, not yet red at the verbal tooth and claw

But by 1932, when he wrote "love in the slump", waugh's eye for the black-comic detail was firmly in place

It rained heavily on the day of the wedding, and only the last-ditchers among the st

Margaret's crowd turned out to watch the melancholy succession of guests popping out of their dripping cars and plunging up the covered way into the church

A doctor was summoned to attend the bridegroom's small nephew, who, after attracting considerable attention as a page at the ceremony by his outspoken comments, developed a high temperature and numerous disquieting symptoms of food poisoning

Waugh's wit only sharpened throughout the succeeding decades, and the very texture of his prose thickened (although it never took on much in the way of modernist adipose tissue)

In "compassion," a 1949 tale that belies the author's vaunted anti-semitism, a mere glimpse of some yugoslavian partisans leads to this superabundant sentence: "he passed ragged, swaggering partisans, all young, some scarcely more than children; girls in battle dress, bandaged, bemedalled, girdled with grenades, squat, chaste, cheerful, sexless, barely human, who had grown up in mountain bivouacs, singing patriotic songs, arm-in-arm along the pavements where a few years earlier rheumatics had crept with parasols and light, romantic novels"

Nobody can accuse waugh of squishy sentimentality-remember, romantic prose is strictly for convalescents

Still, the complete stories offers an accurate and stupendously entertaining vision of human folly, no less effective for being administered in smaller doses.

Livro - The Complete Stories
Loja Preço Comprar
AmericanasR$ 26,50
SubmarinoR$ 26,50
ShoptimeR$ 39,99
Mercado Livre-

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"Quando comprarem um livro dessa coleçao, tenham em mente de que trata-se de uma ediçao econômica. Mas ainda assim, é lindo! Recomendo!"

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"Quando comprarem um livro dessa coleçao, tenham em mente de que trata-se de uma ediçao econômica. Mas ainda assim, é lindo! Recomendo!"

Quando comprarem um livro dessa coleçao

"Quando comprarem um livro dessa coleçao, tenham em mente de que trata-se de uma ediçao econômica. Mas ainda assim, é lindo! Recomendo!"

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"Quando comprarem um livro dessa coleçao, tenham em mente de que trata-se de uma ediçao econômica. Mas ainda assim, é lindo! Recomendo!"

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Qual o Preço?

Quanto custa? Qual o valor? Veja os preços do produto "Livro - The Complete Stories"

Loja Preço Comprar
AmericanasR$ 26,50
SubmarinoR$ 26,50
ShoptimeR$ 39,99
Mercado Livre-

O preço médio do produto é R$ 30,11

Podendo variar de R$ 26,50 até R$ 39,99, a depender da loja:

  • na loja Americanas você encontra a partir de R$ 26,50 (podendo chegar a R$ 39,99)
  • na loja Submarino também, você encontra a partir de R$ 26,50 (podendo chegar a R$ 39,99)
  • na loja Shoptime você encontra por R$ 39,99
  • Consulte o preço na loja Mercado Livre
  • Consulte o preço na loja OLX

Confira abaixo um comparativo de preços por loja 👇

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Produto e Loja Americanas Submarino Shoptime
Livro - The Complete Stories R$ 26,50R$ 26,50R$ 39,99
Livro - The Complete Stories Of Oz R$ 27,46

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Achou caro? Deixa que a gente te avisa quando o preço baixar!

Onde Comprar?

Onde Comprar o produto "Livro - The Complete Stories"?

Veja onde comprar os modelos abaixo! 👇

Livro - The Complete Stories na loja Americanas

Preço: R$ 26,50

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - The Complete Stories

Mordant, mirthful, and unrelenting in their lampoon of aristocratic mischief, evelyn waugh's novels have earned him a permanent place in the literary pantheon

But this cantankerous master-the scion, by the way, of a decidedly middle-class family of publishers and writers - was no less adept when it came to the short form

Indeed, waugh first broke into print in 1926 with the balance: a yarn of the good old days of broad trousers and high necked jumpers, an early story that suggests a modernized and misanthropic p.g


And he continued to write short fiction throughout the rest of his career, all of which has now been collected in the delectable complete stories of evelyn waugh

The first few entries in the collection capture a kinder, gentler author, not yet red at the verbal tooth and claw

But by 1932, when he wrote "love in the slump", waugh's eye for the black-comic detail was firmly in place

It rained heavily on the day of the wedding, and only the last-ditchers among the st

Margaret's crowd turned out to watch the melancholy succession of guests popping out of their dripping cars and plunging up the covered way into the church

A doctor was summoned to attend the bridegroom's small nephew, who, after attracting considerable attention as a page at the ceremony by his outspoken comments, developed a high temperature and numerous disquieting symptoms of food poisoning

Waugh's wit only sharpened throughout the succeeding decades, and the very texture of his prose thickened (although it never took on much in the way of modernist adipose tissue)

In "compassion," a 1949 tale that belies the author's vaunted anti-semitism, a mere glimpse of some yugoslavian partisans leads to this superabundant sentence: "he passed ragged, swaggering partisans, all young, some scarcely more than children; girls in battle dress, bandaged, bemedalled, girdled with grenades, squat, chaste, cheerful, sexless, barely human, who had grown up in mountain bivouacs, singing patriotic songs, arm-in-arm along the pavements where a few years earlier rheumatics had crept with parasols and light, romantic novels"

Nobody can accuse waugh of squishy sentimentality-remember, romantic prose is strictly for convalescents

Still, the complete stories offers an accurate and stupendously entertaining vision of human folly, no less effective for being administered in smaller doses.

Livro - The Complete Stories na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 26,50

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - The Complete Stories

Mordant, mirthful, and unrelenting in their lampoon of aristocratic mischief, evelyn waugh's novels have earned him a permanent place in the literary pantheon

But this cantankerous master-the scion, by the way, of a decidedly middle-class family of publishers and writers - was no less adept when it came to the short form

Indeed, waugh first broke into print in 1926 with the balance: a yarn of the good old days of broad trousers and high necked jumpers, an early story that suggests a modernized

Livro - The Complete Stories Of Oz na loja Submarino

Preço: R$ 27,46

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - The Complete Stories Of Oz

When uncle henry and aunt em's grey, grim kansas farmhouse was picked up by the great summer cyclone, a wondrous adventure had begun

The whole house whirled around two or three times then rose slowly through the air with little dorothy and dog toto inside

After what seemed an age to dorothy the house landed with a great crash and upon opening the door she and toto were amazed to see a beautiful brilliant green land full of sunshine and flowers

It is not long before she and toto meet the motle

Livro - The Complete Stories na loja Shoptime

Preço: R$ 39,99

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - The Complete Stories

Livro - the complete stories mordant, mirthful, and unrelenting in their lampoon of aristocratic mischief, evelyn waugh's novels have earned him a permanent place in the literary pantheon

But this cantankerous master-the scion, by the way, of a decidedly middle-class family of publishers and writers - was no less adept when it came to the short form

Indeed, waugh first broke into print in 1926 with the balance: a yarn of the good old days of broad trousers and high necked jumpers, an early story that suggests a modernized and misanthropic p.g


And he continued to write short fiction throughout the rest of his career, all of which has now been collected in the delectable complete stories of evelyn waugh

The first few entries in the collection capture a kinder, gentler author, not yet red at the verbal tooth and claw

But by 1932, when he wrote "love in the slump", waugh's eye for the black-comic detail was firmly in place

It rained heavily on the day of the wedding, and only the last-ditchers among the st

Margaret's crowd turned out to watch the melancholy succession of guests popping out of their dripping cars and plunging up the covered way into the church

A doctor was summoned to attend the bridegroom's small nephew, who, after attracting considerable attention as a page at the ceremony by his outspoken comments, developed a high temperature and numerous disquieting symptoms of food poisoning

Waugh's wit only sharpened throughout the succeeding decades, and the very texture of his prose thickened (although it never took on much in the way of modernist adipose tissue)

In "compassion," a 1949 tale that belies the author's vaunted anti-semitism, a mere glimpse of some yugoslavian partisans leads to this superabundant sentence: "he passed ragged, swaggering partisans, all young, some scarcely more than children; girls in battle dress, bandaged, bemedalled, girdled with grenades, squat, chaste, cheerful, sexless, barely human, who had grown up in mountain bivouacs, singing patriotic songs, arm-in-arm along the pavements where a few years earlier rheumatics had crept with parasols and light, romantic novels"

Nobody can accuse waugh of squishy sentimentality-remember, romantic prose is strictly for convalescents

Still, the complete stories offers an accurate and stupendously entertaining vision of human folly, no less effective for being administered in smaller doses.

Livro - The Complete Stories Of Oz na loja Americanas

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - The Complete Stories Of Oz

When uncle henry and aunt em's grey, grim kansas farmhouse was picked up by the great summer cyclone, a wondrous adventure had begun

The whole house whirled around two or three times then rose slowly through the air with little dorothy and dog toto inside

After what seemed an age to dorothy the house landed with a great crash and upon opening the door she and toto were amazed to see a beautiful brilliant green land full of sunshine and flowers

It is not long before she and toto meet the motle

Livro - The Complete Stories Of Oz na loja Shoptime

Frete Grátis: Consulte

Livro - The Complete Stories Of Oz

When uncle henry and aunt em's grey, grim kansas farmhouse was picked up by the great summer cyclone, a wondrous adventure had begun

The whole house whirled around two or three times then rose slowly through the air with little dorothy and dog toto inside

After what seemed an age to dorothy the house landed with a great crash and upon opening the door she and toto were amazed to see a beautiful brilliant green land full of sunshine and flowers

It is not long before she and toto meet the motley crew - scarecrow, lion and tin woodman - who are to become her travelling companions along the yellow brick road which leads to the emerald city and the wonderful wizard of oz

Dorothy and toto have many adventures before the good witch grants them their wish - to return home to kansas

But that is just the beginning; many more adventures lie ahead, with the weirdest folk to meet and the most fantastical places to explore - all in the land of oz

Imagens meramente ilustrativas

Achou caro? Deixa que a gente te avisa quando o preço baixar!

Análise de Preços

Monitoramos o preço dele nos últimos 32 meses. Veja o que descobrimos!

A análise foi realizada em 3 lojas: Americanas, Submarino e Shoptime

Histórico de preços por data, com base em nosso monitoramento diário 👇

Arraste a tabela < - >

Data Americanas Submarino Shoptime
Hoje R$ 26,50R$ 26,50R$ 39,99
15/10/2021 R$ 26,50R$ 26,50R$ 39,99
14/10/2021 R$ 26,50R$ 26,50R$ 39,99
18/06/2020 R$ 26,50R$ 26,50R$ 39,99
29/11/2019 R$ 39,99R$ 26,50R$ 39,99
28/11/2019 R$ 39,99R$ 27,99R$ 39,99
08/06/2019 R$ 39,99R$ 27,99R$ 39,99
01/06/2019 R$ 39,99R$ 27,46R$ 39,99
22/05/2019 R$ 39,99R$ 27,46R$ 39,99
12/03/2019 R$ 39,99R$ 27,46R$ 39,99
11/03/2019 R$ 39,99R$ 26,50R$ 39,99
27/02/2019 R$ 39,99R$ 26,50R$ 39,99

Arraste a tabela < - >

Análise detalhada!

Qual o menor preço que o produto já alcançou?

Dos 32 meses em que o produto foi monitorado, apresentou o menor valor na loja Americanas

O valor foi de R$ 26,50 em 15/10/2021

E o maior valor?

Foi R$ 39,99, na loja Shoptime, em 15/10/2021

E um bom momento para comprá-lo?

Sim, pois o estoque poderá se esgotar

Em qual loja costuma ficar mais barato?

Na loja Submarino

Qual o melhor site para comprar, com melhor custo-benefício?

Na loja Americanas por R$ 26,50

Qual a Loja mais barata hoje?

Americanas, valor de R$ 26,50

Conclusão 👇

Compre na loja Americanas por R$ 26,50

... atualmente é o melhor preço, e você fará a melhor compra!


como 2ª opção, compre na loja Submarino por R$ 26,50

como 3ª opção, compre na loja Shoptime por R$ 39,99

Diferenças e Comparativo

Qual melhor "Livro - The Complete Stories"?

Veja as diferenças e benefícios do produto "Livro - The Complete Stories" 👇

Arraste a tabela < - >

Livro - The Complete StoriesLivro - The Complete Stories Of Oz
Código de Barras97803169266079781840226959
EditoraLittle Brown & CompanyWordsworth
AssuntoLiteratura Estrangeira-Contos e CronicasLiteratura Juvenil
Tipo de CapaBrochuraBrochura
TítuloThe Complete StoriesThe Complete Stories of Oz
Autor(a)Evelyn Waugh

Arraste a tabela < - >

Ficha Técnica

Ficha Técnica e Características do produto "Livro - The Complete Stories"

Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Livro - The Complete Stories Livro - The Complete Stories
AssuntoLiteratura Estrangeira-Contos e Cronicas
Autor(a)Evelyn Waugh

Livro - the complete stories mordant, mirthful, and unrelenting in their lampoon of aristocratic mischief, evelyn waugh's novels have earned him a permanent place in the literary pantheon

But this cantankerous master-the scion, by the way, of a decidedly middle-class family of publishers and writers - was no less adept when it came to the short form

Indeed, waugh first broke into print in 1926 with the balance: a yarn of the good old days of broad trousers and high necked jumpers, an early story that suggests a modernized and misanthropic p.g


And he continued to write short fict, mordant, mirthful, and unrelenting in their lampoon of aristocratic mischief, evelyn waugh's novels have earned him a permanent place in the literary pantheon

But this cantankerous master-the scion, by the way, of a decidedly middle-class family of publishers and writers - was no less adept when it came to the short form

Indeed, waugh first broke into print in 1926 with the balance: a yarn of the good old days of broad trousers and high necked jumpers, an early story that suggests a modernized and misanthropic p.g


And he continued to write short fiction throughout the rest of his, mordant, mirthful, and unrelenting in their lampoon of aristocratic mischief, evelyn waugh's novels have earned him a permanent place in the literary pantheon

But this cantankerous master-the scion, by the way, of a decidedly middle-class family of publishers and writers - was no less adept when it came to the short form

Indeed, waugh first broke into print in 1926 with the balance: a yarn of the good old days of broad trousers and high necked jumpers, an early story that suggests a modernized

EditoraLittle Brown & Company
Tipo de CapaBrochura
TítuloThe Complete Stories
Código de Barras9780316926607
Ficha técnica e caractérísticas do produto Livro - The Complete Stories Of Oz Livro - The Complete Stories Of Oz
AssuntoLiteratura Juvenil

When uncle henry and aunt em's grey, grim kansas farmhouse was picked up by the great summer cyclone, a wondrous adventure had begun

The whole house whirled around two or three times then rose slowly through the air with little dorothy and dog toto inside

After what seemed an age to dorothy the house landed with a great crash and upon opening the door she and toto were amazed to see a beautiful brilliant green land full of sunshine and flowers

It is not long before she and toto meet the motle, when uncle henry and aunt em's grey, grim kansas farmhouse was picked up by the great summer cyclone, a wondrous adventure had begun

The whole house whirled around two or three times then rose slowly through the air with little dorothy and dog toto inside

After what seemed an age to dorothy the house landed with a great crash and upon opening the door she and toto were amazed to see a beautiful brilliant green land full of sunshine and flowers

It is not long before she and toto meet the motley crew - scarecrow, lion and tin woodman - who are to become her travelling companions along the yel

Tipo de capaBrochura
TítuloThe Complete Stories of Oz
Código de Barras9781840226959

Perguntas Frequentes (FAQ)

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Veja as perguntas frequentes abaixo: 👇

Qual o Ano?

  • Resposta: 2000
  • Resposta: 2012

Qual o Assunto?

  • Resposta: Literatura Estrangeira-Contos e Cronicas
  • Resposta: Literatura Juvenil

Quem são os autores?

  • Resposta: Evelyn Waugh

Qual a Edição?

  • Resposta: 1ª

Qual a Editora?

  • Resposta: Little Brown & Company
  • Resposta: Wordsworth

Qual o Formato?

  • Resposta: Livro

Qual o Idioma?

  • Resposta: Inglês

Quantas Páginas tem?

  • Resposta: 1488
  • Resposta: 640

Qual o Tipo de Capa?

  • Resposta: Brochura

Qual o Título?

  • Resposta: The Complete Stories of Oz
  • Resposta: The Complete Stories

Quais outros Nomes do produto?

  • Resposta: Livro - The Complete Stories
  • Resposta: Livro - The Complete Stories Of Oz

Onde Comprar?

  • Resposta: Loja Americanas
  • Resposta: Loja Submarino
  • Resposta: Loja Shoptime
  • Resposta: Loja Mercado Livre
  • Resposta: Loja OLX

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Código de Barras (EAN, GTIN, ISBN, ASIN, SKU) 'Livro - The Complete Stories'

Livro - The Complete Stories
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9780316926607'
Código de Barras






Livro - The Complete Stories Of Oz
Código de barras (EAN, GTIN, SKU, ISBN): '9781840226959'
Código de Barras






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  • Livro - The Complete Stories em Vitória

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